These are some unique and creative print advertisements that have only the minimal requirements. They are clear, concise, and to the point. They are very interesting and get their message across much better than a large, boring advertisement.
These are some incredible black and white photos of the ocean and land. They were taken by photographer Hengki Koentjoro. In a beautiful and dramatic way, they illustrate the stark contrast between the two.
Well, if this time won’t be the last time, then another “chance” will follow. That’s for sure!
Why? The answer is right after the jump.
Some people manage to spot Jesus in the most unusual things like toast or tree bark. This is a collection of the oddest places where God has been seen.
Asparagus Fern
These neat little stickers act like organ donor cards for intellectual property. In the event of your death if you sign and stick one of these on your driver’s license and it should act to make all of your intellectual property public domain.
Who would’ve thought that from such an ordinary CD player can be made an incredible Steampunk device. It’s working, of course.
This artwork is the creation of one Russian guy who made it for the “Steampunk Space” contest (approximate translation). Apparently, it took him only 3 days.
Great work, what more to say.
Anyway as unbelievable as it is, it's stil is functionning!
These are some amazing and interesting staircases. They are all very modern looking and very geometric. Some look like optical illusions. They are all quite unique and very creative. They make it interesting to go upstairs.
Back in 1985 the 55 MB HDD HP 7945A came to the market and sold for $7,500. These days they can be purchased for between $100 and $150. Some of them are still in excellent condition and functional.
As the royal couple prepares for their wedding march we wondered how other people propose and prepare for their weddings. Here are some odd ways to propose to the one you love.
Say it with a T-shirt
This piece of wood was found floating around in the middle of nowhere on an iceberg. How it got there no one knows and its pretty baffling.
Meet the restaurant Atmosphere located 1,350 feet up from the ground floor of Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, built in Dubai. This is the world’s highest restaurant since it is located at the top of Burj Khalifa. This place is truly luxurious. It features a main dining floor, a large arrival lobby, private rooms and cooking stations.
Tens of thousands of Muslims gathered on Sunday for a mass prayer on the sandy bank of the River Turag, near Dhaka in Bangladesh. It is one of the world’s largest religious gatherings.
Just look at how they were getting there.
These are some before and after photos of some Hollywood stars who have been transformed into ghouls with some makeup. It is amazing at just how well this works. You could certainly never tell who the ghoul really is.
These are some funny caricatures of President Obama and his wife. They are not very flattering but they are full of satire. I suppose there is really nothing wrong with poking a little fun at the leader of the free world.
These water drops are very unique. This is especially true of the way that the water drops are made. Like snowflakes, not two drops of water are ever the same. However, they do have one thing in common; they are all beautiful.
These X Rays show some of the strangest things that people put into their bodies one way or another. There are some of the most amazing X Rays of anything you can imagine in these peoples bodies. There are even some that weren’t ingested intentionally.
No, we aren’t heading to a hooters bar, we are checking out a new game that is a combination of pool and bowling.
These are hilarious and unusual public restroom signs observed in different countries around the world.
The Dogon people of Mali can fish in the sacred Lake Antogo only once a year. On the appointed day, hundreds of fishermen grab baskets and fish in a hurry, clearing the entire lake in minutes. This is an interesting and unusual ritual.
Billy Monk used to work as a nightclub bouncer for Les Catacombs Club in Cape Town in 1967. He had another undercover job as he took pictures of the nightclub revelers to sell those photos to his subjects. Many of his prints will be exhibited in spring 2011 in Woodstock. But you don’t have to wait for another month, as you can see images of people partying many years ago after the jump.