The door itself isn’t the view, it’s the weird and neat doorknob that is attached. When approaching this newest gadget you can glimpse a view of what is contained in the room behind it.
In case you don’t know, Groupon is the hottest Internet startup company in 2010. From the looks of their building they are doing very well. The headquarters is located in an old Montgomery Ward building, just west of Chicago’s downtown.
We already had a few posts with the photographs from this amazing earthly paradise. But this place is so gorgeous that we couldn’t help but share a new portion of pictures of one of the world’s most beautiful places. Looking at such beauty, it’s hard not to leave everything behind and move to the Maldives.
This is the 2010 medical cannabis competition held in San Francisco. From the size of the dubie that was being passed around, everybody was apparently having a good time. I do wonder what ailments all these people suffer from.
These are some amazing photos from space. They were uploaded by Colonel Douglas H. on his Twitter account. They were taken while he was on the International space station. They are some really incredible photos.
These plush dolls look like common microbes. All the different microbes are there from the brain to sperm. Although they are rather cute and cuddly, I suppose the only kids who would be interested in them are those who want to become doctors or scientists.
Rainy weather can be pleasant on a lazy afternoon. It seems to clean the air. These are some beautiful rain photos that were taken at all different times of day and in all different locations. There is something relaxing about them.
This collection of creative gadgets is simply amazing. Modern designers really know their business, as they come one with a lot of unusual and genius ideas.
Find the most unusual gifts online by clicking here.
These are some amazing examples of forced perspective photography. They really test your imagination for they seem to capture the impossible. In many of them, you will really believe that they are real, because they are that good.
Such things do happen sometimes.
In these times of economy crises, some people are working hard to keep their budgets, while others that work at Google are being paid top dollar to stay in their positions and not cross over to other companies such as Facebook.
Before I learned some cooking skills this pic shows exact same reasons why I tried to avoid cooking at home too ;)
We have heard of being in the belly of the whale, but have you ever thought about being in the belly of a huge snake? Javier Senosiain has, and created this house. He calls it Quetzalcoatl Nest, which is the name of an Aztec snake/bird god of knowledge and learning. The snake house is built on land that includes caved in caves, and larger preserved caves. When creating this piece of architecture Javier wasn’t allowed to touch the flora or fauna so the snake twists and turns with the lay of the land.
How can you transport huge petroleum products storage tanks, if each tank is 26.5 meters in diameter, 14 meters in height and weighs 180,000 kilograms? This task is possible, and you can take a look at how Nurminen Logistics Company has managed to transport oversized cargo to a distance of about one kilometer, which took it two months of preparations and one hour to perform the assignment.
Everybody knows that the UAE (United Arab Emirates) is a rich country. With its oil and gas, it can afford building toilets and bathrooms gilded with gold and enjoying luxurious life. Still, local migrant laborers live and work as slaves.
This is some incredible street art by an artist who goes by the moniker of JR. He is the 2011 winner of the TED Prize, which is an inspirational award for artists who have one wish to change the world. JR won $100,000 for his effort. His works are all around the world and talk about “commitment, freedom, identity and limit.”
His biggest illegal exhibition work ever was made in eight Palestinian and Israeli cities where JR posted huge portraits of Israelis and Palestinians face to face, he posted them on the both sides of the Separation wall as well. Which was not only hard to access but according to the experts, it was impossible. Nevertheless, JR did it. His artwork has a far-reaching impact than just a beautiful street art.
These are autographs of celebrities. Although most are unintelligible, it is still true that girls have better penmanship than boys. Regardless of how they scribble, these autograph are undoubtedly worth a lot of money.
These are pictures of the inside of North Korea. It is amazing but they are just like the rest of us. They work and play just like everybody else. It sure doesn’t look like they are hell bent on unleashing a nuclear bomb on the rest of the world.
Another set of pictures of celebrities being “friends and random guests” at parties of this family. I think it’s a funny idea and a good exercise to sharpen Photoshop skills.
In some of the pictures, it is clearly seen that they were photoshopped, others could easily pass for real photographs.
Take a look ate the first part of this set:
How to Become Popular Online (6 pics)
These are some amazing camping tents. Some hang from trees, some are in boats, and there are even some that you can wear. It just proves that technology has caught up with everything under the sun. These awesome tents even look comfortable.
When Kodak introduced its first Kodak Brownie cameras making the photography accessible to the general public, skilled professionals weren’t long to wait. And since 1907 postcards were allowed to have a "divided back", it left the front side of the postcard open for image. This opportunity was widely used by people with big imagination. Thus began the golden age of postcards, which lasted until 1915, and more importantly the golden age of Tall-Tale or "freak" postcards.
The process of creating a tall-tale postcard was simple: a photographer took two snaps, the one of a background landscape and another one was a close-up of an object. He then carefully cut out the second snap and superimposed it onto the first. Then he re-shot the brand new combination and it was done.
Here's an exmaple of a creation of a tall-tale postcard.