Thanks to reader Ain for sharing this news with us and sending the links. These photos were taken ashore Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. Rescuers dragged the moose out of the water after people called for help, as the beast seemed to be unable to do it by itself. Apparently, according to the local hunters, this place is kind of ‘hypnotic’ and makes the moose ‘sleepy’. Let’s call it the good deed of the day…
The Pi Beta Phi sorority rented the ballroom at an art center for a dinner dance. You’ll read in the complaint letter of the director of this same art centrer how the night happened;
Read the letter and you’ll know all the wild details of what happened during the formal dinner, it’s priceless
I love this set of old photos with all these great stunts. Maybe stunts today seem more spectacular but they don’t have that thing that makes them believable and in most cases computer graphics are used.
Here, there’s no green screen or security equipment. They only have two options: whether they succeed or they fail. Real daredevils from back then.
Richard Schindler, an aerial acrobat notorious for his foolhardy stunts, practices one of his tricks.
I like video games too, but I think it is not a brilliant idea to imprint on your skin your favourite video game hero. I must admit though, that some of these tattoos look really good.
But I also think that at one point of their lives, these people will regret them.
Well, it is easy. They do the markings themselves :)
Beijing, the capital of China, is a very busy city and it is almost impossible to find a spot to park. So people are bringing some king of handmade “carpets” that match the color of the road with parking markings and then they put a fake parking sign and voila.
The police say they can only arrest these people if they catch them red-handed, otherwise they don’t touch them.
A lot of truth in this post :)
I’m sure you’ll agree with this one.
Check the rest of the picture inside the post to see what it gives with hotmail addresses and others…
I guess photoshoppers just like to work with classic pictures.
And they are right, with a little bit of imagination and good Photoshop skills, they put them into a whole new level for our pleasure.
If you’re rich, you can have a pretty garden on the top of the building, very convenient.
As an apartment dweller myself, I like this idea very much, but to have a penthouse with such a rooftop, big bucks are needed. But hey, I am a dreamer ;)
Every day, about three hundred trains are bringing people from surrounding towns to work to Jakarta. But still, there’s a big lack for places.
These are maybe the greatest artworks I’ve ever seen.
Those who like such tuff too, will enjoy it the way I did.
Most of these works were made with Photoshop and are just brilliant and inspiring.
The Russian city of Norilsk is full of contrasts. It is home to one of the largest factories that produces metals and is full of very dangerous jobs and yet family life goes on as normal. Norilsk is located in Russian Siberia and is therefore not among the warmest places in the world, yet, as these photos show, the people there seem to get along just fine.
Cities all over Europe have a wild collection of animal street graffiti all over streets, buildings and practically anywhere a street artist can get to with his paint brush or spray can. Although they were obviously done by different artists, they all have one thing in common; They are all huge and they all look real.
The name of reality TV show "The Biggest Loser" should be understood as "the one who lost the most." Here we’re talking about weight. And here, the word "loser" is used in a completely different meaning. The fact is that in this reality show participants are trying to "lose" extra weight fighting for a cash prize. The one who loses more weight, gets more money.
Ashley Johnston
Age: 27
Starting weight: 374
Current weight: 191
Lost: 183 pounds, 48.93%
The heaviest woman on the show this season, Ashley, a 27-year-old esthetician from Knoxville, Tenn., dropped more weight on campus than any woman in "Biggest Loser" history. Though she fell off the treadmill the first day, she recovered to become this season’s fierce “pink ninja.”
As these photos show, all we need is love :)
And of course, some money for the ring and the wedding :P
For all KitKat lovers!
Here’s an instruction in pictures on how to make an enormous Kit Kat of 45,888 calories!
Take a look :)
This great idea was carried out by American student, mathematician and photographer Nikki Graziano.
First, she takes pictures of different natural forms and then she finds proper equations to explain these forms created by nature.
This almost makes me like the maths :)
Imagine you’re a doctor specialized in abortions and you want to launch your own abortion clinic.
You’ve got already everything needed, but still have to find a name!
What would you choose?
No idea? Well, here is one for ya…
On May 28, is celebrated an official Russian holiday: the Day of the Border Guards.
Both former border guards and active service celebrate it across the country. In Moscow, it is often celebrated in Gorky Park.
In May, the usually quite high temperatures in Russia allow border guards to swim in ponds and fountains. It is also normal for brawls to appear during the celebration as much vodka is involved.
It took over one thousand pounds of explosive to put this 450 feet tall and 345 wide monster down.
The demolition was considered potentially dangerous so people or the media weren’t allowed to approach the scene.
It took place on May 24 in South Carolina at the Savannah River Site.
Let’s look at a calendar with some random ordinary guys.
You’ll see it looks hilarious :)
The photographs are beautiful and well done, as to my taste.
I’d even say that some of them remind sets from Tim Burton’s movies...