These photos were some of the winners of the World Press Photo competition of 2009. Over 5,000 photographers from all over the world took part in this competition. They are truly some amazing photos and represent the very best the world of photography has to offer.
We posted the entry about childhood fears made by Joshua Hoffine which do look very realistic and scare not only children but adults too.
Anyways, in today’s selection, we have the pictures of the making of three fears: DEVIL, BABYSITTER and LADY BATHORY. The latter made me think of Dexter :)
People can be very strange but intriguing at the same time. From the weird to the obscene the folk in these photos run the entire gambit. It is no wonder they are so interesting.
The Mariana trench is the deepest part of the ocean that we know of. As the picture shows, the deepest part is approximately 36,000 feet deep and is known as the Challenger Deep. Very impressive
It is amazing what people come up with to do with the ever so versatile Tee shirt. From enhancing your bosom to playing a musical instrument is there anything these Tee shirts can’t represent? Have a look for yourself after the jump.
So what do you think your toys are doing when they are in the attic with all the time in the world to come up with things to do? Well as these photos suggest, what they come up with might just surprise you. To find out what it is there doing check out the pictures after the jump.
Some people take recycling to the extreme. The home in these photos was made entirely out of recycled shipping containers. I don’t know if it was any less expensive than a normal, but it certainly is unique and I suppose it does help the environment.
As can be seen from these photos, some money is funnier than others. While there are all different kinds of currency in the world, none is as unique as these. I am not sure where you would spend such money, it sure is fun to look at. Take a look and see for yourself.
The terrarium in a light bulb shown in these photos has to be the smallest in the world. The amazing part is it doesn’t seem to be that difficult to put together. It would certainly make a wonderful conversation starter. Take a look and you will see what I mean.
These photos represent the largely unrewarded work that is done each day at a weather station under some of the most difficult situations imaginable. The weather in Russia in the winter is certainly no picnic especially at 7,000 feet above sea level.
The photos in this post depict love in its numerous and wonderful forms. It doesn’t seem to matter whether it is of the human or animal form; its signs are obvious to the most casual observer. Take a look and you will see what I mean.
A person would be hard pressed to tell if the subjects in these photos are little girls or little women. With all the makeup and high fashion it is very difficult to tell. If you look close enough you will be able to tell what is going on. Well, maybe after a couple looks.
First part: Child beauty pageant (13 pics + 1 video)
What will this woman do next to this tiger, and will she survive after that?
What could be more boring that the mouse you use every day on your computer? Well the mouse in these photos is certainly not boring at least not for men (and some women). Unique to say the least, I dare say the company who invented this mouse is really “on” to something. Have a look at the post to see what I am talking about.
We have all experienced not found, or 404, errors, and nothing can be more frustrating. However, some can be humorous as well. These photos are of some of the funniest you will ever find. Seems like I never find the funny ones, only the ones I don’t want to pop up when I desperately need to find something. So take a look and enjoy some funny 404 errors for a change.
The turns of the century brought with it some revolutionary ideas and nowhere were they more evident than in New York City. New York City is probably the most urbanized city in the United States and when the turn of the century came around all the inventions of the era showed up there as is demonstrated in these amazing photos of the beginning of the 20th Century.
I have seen some crazy looking gadgets but those featured in these photos are some of the weirdest. The gadgets are neat art and are fun to look at but I doubt they are all that practical. I wonder where folks find the time to dream up all this stuff, much less build it. Maybe that is the problem; People with too much time on their hands. God Bless them.
The postal service depicted in these photos may very well be the smallest ever. With everything in miniature, I wonder if they collect for their services with miniature money?
It is rare when you find a pencil drawing artist, can make you wonder if the work is Photoshopped. But that is exactly what you will find in these photos. Take a look and see if you can tell whether the drawings in the post are real or Photoshopped.Keanu Reeves
These photos of landscapes that were severely damaged by human activity were taken by David Maisel. He takes the pictures from the air, so they may seem surreal.They do, however, aptly and beautifully demonstrate how man is his own worst enemy when it comes to taking care of the our land. Have a look for yourself.