Voyage on One of the World’s Largest Cruise Ships (37 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       2 Feb 2010       10433
Here’s a little photo-essay on Brilliance of the Seas cruising in Gulf waters. The ship contains 13 decks, 5 restaurants, a library, theater, art gallery, casino, pools, shops, sports courts and much more! In fact, this is a small floating city. It cruises the Mediterranean from April to November and the Panama Canal and Caribbean from November to April. Brilliance of the Seas is on active service from in January on Monday 18. What is unique about this particular cruise ship is that the pool and Jacuzzi are open 24/7.

Voyage on One of the World’s Largest Cruise Ships (37 pics)

The riddle of the Day (5 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       2 Feb 2010       8389
Can you guess what it is?
The riddle of the Day (5 pics)

Facebook Can Catch Up With You

Posted in PICTURES       2 Feb 2010       8713
This is from the series “be careful what you say on Facebook”.
He he, such conversations never fail to crack me up sarcastic

Facebook Can Catch Up With You

A Star Wars Wedding (15 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       2 Feb 2010       8364
With the millions of Star Wars fans in the world it is a little wonder that there are Star Wars weddings. The amazing part of these photos is that the people in them are dead serious and real believers. From the costumes to the cakes to the light swords it all seems very real.

Related content:
Ukrainian Star Wars themed wedding (43 pics + 1 video)
Real Star Wars fans (100 pics)
Another unusual marriage (7 pics)

A Star Wars Wedding (15 pics)

Is It an Iceberg or a Power Plant? (18 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       2 Feb 2010       6683
On a closer look, the massive structure you see may seem like a giant iceberg. Actually, it is a destroyed Sayano-Shushenskaya power plant situated in Siberia. Last year the transformer explosion caused huge flooding and human casualties in this plant.
The plant restoration may take more than four years. Without this plant, the area can just freeze out.

Is It an Iceberg or a Power Plant? (18 pics)

Tantalizing Tea Bags (20 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       2 Feb 2010       28427
From these photos it would appear that there are numerous creative and clever ways to store and brew your morning or afternoon tea. I would have never known.

Tantalizing Tea Bags (20 pics)

The marvels of Winter (26 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       2 Feb 2010       4763
The marvels of Winter (26 pics)

Fire in Motion (18 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       2 Feb 2010       12752
Fire in Motion (18 pics)

Art with Tapes and Floppy Disks (33 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       2 Feb 2010       5413
Art with Tapes and Floppy Disks (33 pics)

The Odd Couple (15 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       1 Feb 2010       12523
This rather amusing looking couple seems to prove the old adage that opposites attract at least in physical size. While neither is physically attractive they appear quite happy and contented with one another which proves another old adage which is that love is blind.
The Odd Couple (15 pics)

Making Fun of the iPad (15 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       1 Feb 2010       36950
Many people were disappointed with the iPad after its introduction. After all it was the most anticipated gadget of the year. So some folks made some photomontages which are in this post that illustrate some of their thoughts and feelings about this new wonder gadget. While the photos clearly display their frustration and disappointment, they are also very humorous.

Making Fun of the iPad (15 pics)

Another Pregnant Man (5 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       1 Feb 2010       11998
A California transgender couple is expecting a baby. The two men have both undergone hormone treatments and surgery to transform their sex. One of the men has only had his breasts removed and still retains his male genitalia. They first met in 2005 at a transgender support group meeting. The couple is married legally since one of them retains a female birth certificate. The couple already has two boys who they have adopted from a former female partner of one of them. The conclusion is that the two women have become men who seem to live a happy life in a homosexual relationship...

Another Pregnant Man (5 pics)

These funny animals (37 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       1 Feb 2010       6371
These funny animals (37 pics)
These funny animals (37 pics)

Weird Signs. Part 5 (60 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       1 Feb 2010       15131
Another compilation of weird and funny signs that should make you laugh.
A post to start the week well…

And for those of you who want to see more weird signs, don’t miss our previous posts on the same topic:
Weird signs. Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Humor with toilet signs. Parts 1 and 2.
Funny traffic, neon and sports signs.
Hilarious modified signs and modified STOP signs.
Funny juxtapositions of people and signs (23 pics)
Hilarious lost and found signs (25 pics)
Various signs seen around the world (49 pics)

Weird Signs. Part 5 (60 pics)

Unsuccessful and Crazy Captchas (44 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       1 Feb 2010       9584
You've all had to deal with captchas. Then you know what I’m talking about.
Sometimes they are a real pain in the ass.
Take a look at this set of unfortunate captchas.

Unsuccessful and Crazy Captchas (44 pics)

Amazing Lego Collections From Around The World (33 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       1 Feb 2010       21162
It is truly amazing what can be built with Legos. From the Roman Coliseum to The Pyramid of Giza, someone has built every famous structure in the world out of these amazing building blocks. This collection of Lego buildings comes from all four corners of the earth. They may have been for children when they were first introduced but not anymore.
Amazing Lego Collections From Around The World (33 pics)

Nurses Can Serve Food Too (13 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       1 Feb 2010       5458
When times are tough, the tough get creative. We have already posted photos of a Heart Attack Grill using nurses as waitresses and now a restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan uses with a hospital theme and some very attractive “nurses” to bring the “patients” their “prescriptions”. It would appear that the customers are all enjoying themselves, don’t you agree? I think I would certainly enjoy a meal there myself.

Nurses Can Serve Food Too (13 pics)

How to Suck at FACEBOOK (10 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       29 Jan 2010       21289
n_sm_19 n_sm_19 n_sm_19 n_sm_19 n_sm_19
How to Suck at FACEBOOK (10 pics)
How to Suck at FACEBOOK (10 pics)

Everything Women Need to Know to Get Men in Bed (5 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       29 Jan 2010       21076
This is one book which most of women might want to get hold of. Many women believe that there is nothing better than learning the art of getting the men in their beds. Check it out for yourself…

Everything Women Need to Know to Get Men in Bed (5 pics)

Although This Girl Is 25 Years Old Now, She Seriously Lacks the Brains (8 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       29 Jan 2010       34808
I don’t know even how to describe it. These pictures are worth a thousand words. Not everyone makes such birthday candles.
This post is not for faint-hearted. I warned you.

Although This Girl Is 25 Years Old Now, She Seriously Lacks the Brains (8 pics)

The Movies Don’t Exactly Make the Real Titles these Days, Do They? (47 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       29 Jan 2010       19974
These are not exactly the kind of posters which would really make someone want to go and check out the movies. The Photoshoppers aren’t afraid to call a gay a gay and a hooker a hooker. They don’t top it up creamy titles either. The movie titles given by them will make you recollect the stories in a flash and it will make you laugh.

The Movies Don’t Exactly Make the Real Titles these Days, Do They?  (47 pics)

Not Exactly the Way You Want to Treat Your Million Dollar Yacht? (18 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       29 Jan 2010       12198
My heart nearly bled when I saw a couple of excavators rip open a beautiful million dollar white yacht. Even as the people looked on, the carnage continued. Talking about a real waste of money, you might want to check this destruction out.

Not Exactly the Way You Want to Treat Your Million Dollar Yacht? (18 pics)

Ridiculous Items for sale (35 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       29 Jan 2010       12244
It was once said that “there is a sucker born every minute”. That would appear to be true based on the photos in this post. Not only are the companies advertising these ridiculous items but it would seem that they are at least selling enough of them to pay for the advertising at least. It has also been said that if you build a better mousetrap people will beat a path to your door. That may also be true, but who said these ridiculous items represented a better mousetrap?

Ridiculous Items for sale (35 pics)

The Best Oldies On The Internet (18 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       29 Jan 2010       12563
The photos in this post are old and have obviously been seen by many people, they still do an excellent job of conveying the very atmosphere and realities of winter which is harsh and merciless. In winter, nothing is sacred, not on land or at sea. It is a brutal reality that we all must face every year. Is it any wonder why so many people despise this time of year? On the other side of that coin however is that it does provide some beautiful land and seascape for our viewing pleasure.

The Best Oldies On The Internet (18 pics)

How To Drug Yourself Into Submission Without Killing Yourself (12 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       29 Jan 2010       10209
If you live in New York City, you may find some very controversial fliers which provide the details on how to shoot heroin complete all the tips on how to prep the dope and inject it into your arm. In other words, they released a Junkie’s Guide. I can even picture a good advertisement for it; “Want to try some heroin, but you’re scared? Well don’t worry, ‘The Junkie’s Guide’ will teach you how to do it safely.” I know many of you may not agree with me, but as for me, this is a complete bullsh*. What will be next, a Suicide Guide?

How To Drug Yourself Into Submission Without Killing Yourself (12 pics)
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