Really amazing room.
Do you want to see how real music lovers are listening to music?
Then click to see more. 
Great drawings with amusing cute kitties for a good mood.
Sometimes you should really look what T-shirt you wear.
Anyways, this is hilarious.
Check this out.
Buff Diss is a talented artist who creates all his works from a simple masking tape.
Take a look at his best creations inside the post. 
About four confirmed and two more likely tornadoes touched down in Ontario, Canada on August 20.
But only one of them turned out to be devastating.
When viewing photos, note where the tornado passed- a narrow strip of destruction among absolutely intact houses. 
It took £ 200.000 and 51 plastic surgeries to this woman to have the face of the ancient Egyptian queen Nefertiti. 20 years ago, Nileen Namita decided she was the incarnation of the Egyptian queen Nefertiti. She is almost 50 years old but believes that she looks as a 25 year old girl...
Take a look at the result of the Beauty of the Nile. 
You think your apartment is messy? Do you want to see what does messy mean?
Then hit the jump!

Typically, these houses are demolished with dynamite, but in China they have their own technology. Check out the rest of the post. 
Incredible breathtaking pictures.
Indescribable beauty, I recommend you to view this selection. You will love it.
[via thedesigninspiration]

Excellent selection of the coolest macro pictures.
There are insects, people and plants. Don’t miss it!
During the Cold War, when the probability of nuclear missiles launching was very high, many Americans were building personal bomb shelters to wait out the catastrophe.
Here are photos of some of them. 
If you have a pet, then these instructions are good to go.
For more images with instruction, go inside the post. 
The girl wanted to swim but she can’t, so her father decided to teach her how to swim.
And to be sure that his child is learning safely, he tied her with a rope in case if she’s going to drown he could pull her back.
Interesting methods I’d say.
Japanese designers released a metal flash drive in the form of the skull of terminator T-600.
It is made of stainless steel, weighs 42 grams and will cost ‘only’ 150 bucks.
Park employee in Uganda didn’t notice the three ton beast who was eating his lunch.
The poor guy had to run faster than the wind.
But fortunately, all ended well.
I’m usually indifferent to this activity - making things from a balloon.
For me it is like clown stuff. But these ‘sculptures’ made by this artist impressed me a lot.
A small plane made an emergency landing on US Highway 101 about one mile northeast of the Santa Barbara Airport.
Unfortunately, it was unable to avoid a collision with three cars, but in this incident, no one was seriously injured. 
A woman weighing 250 kg had to be delivered urgently into a hospital.
It wasn’t that easy to do it, but they found a solution.