Funny rules of eating various snacks. I guess everyone does it exactly that way.
Brilliant suggestions for every household.
Imagine going through school with these people as your teachers. School would become the most popular place to be.
Perhaps people in parallel universe follow these rules while playing online video-games.
When it comes to normal or creepy behavior, sometimes it takes just a minute detail to make all the difference.
Ultimate Tak Ball may be called the most hardcore ball game ever. Teams of four players equipped with electric shocking devices try to score the goal while dodging high-voltage stun shots from their opponents.
These little known factoids will likely blow your mind, and also give you random cool facts to impress people with at parties.
Most of the time Facebook status updates are drab and vapid, but sometimes there are funny hidden gems worth checking out.
This bunch of douchebags are called guidos due to their particular fashion style which looks absolutely ridiculous. Apparently, there are more and more Jersey Shore lovers out there. The world becomes a scary place to live.
Whether it was the lack of parental care in their childhood or there are any other reasons why they reject the normal society, the only thing can be said for sure – the tricks those people use to stand out of the crowd make them all look pretty identical.
Some professions are really likely to win the children’s admiration.
No, this is not a fairytale. These unbelievable views are the skylines of the real cities wrapped in thick cloud blankets.
The guy found a really comfy place in his crammed workshop.
Check out this collection of cute dogs paired up with those popular rage face memes.