There are some TV actors and other entertainers that simply look like younger and older versions of themselves. See these uncanny comparisons.
A test of the Tribute in Light rises above lower Manhattan. The memorial will light the sky on the evening of September 11, 2011, in honour of those who died ten years ago in the terror attacks on the United States.
These photos of members of the Japanese Yakuza mafia were taken by photographer Anton Kusters. He visited one family for two years. He learned all about the lifestyle of the tattooed criminals. He accompanied them to nightclubs, funerals and different social events.
When birds hit glass they leave such ghostly impressions. However, some of the birds did survive.
Check out this hilarious photography story about someone getting more than they bargained for.
Unfortunately, many of today’s high school teachers are not the most helpful. See which meme you can identify with from those halcyon days.
Did you guess what it is for?
We often imagine a disco party to be a cool and fun event but this picture has nothing in common with the cruel reality. Move your mouse over the video to compare the two disco parties: imaginary and real.
Comparisons of camouflage effectiveness.
For the past 23 years, Brazilian Zeli Ferreira Rossi, 61, has been going to sleep not to his bed, but straight into a real coffin…
Following the earthquake and hurricane on the East Coast some people were saying that God was punishing the area for supporting gay marriage. However, take a look at these infographs to see that God actually has it out for the South.
Natural disasters happen more often there
Many people on Facebook should really consider going back to school because they have some serious spelling problems. Proofreading would normally do the trick for most people, but nor for them…
Graphic designer Justin Barber created these funny posters that reveal the truth behind often used phrases. See which one you can identify with.