Do you know what Darth Vader did this Halloween? He had a vacation in Hawaii. And he actually looked very colorful, bright and happy. He didn't make lots of effort for his costume though...
Posted in
BLOGS 1 Nov 2010
If you've never been to Bangkok, Thailand, you'd probably be surprised to learn that a lot of people actually do celebrate Halloween here. Thailand is a Buddhist country but Bangkok has a sizeable expat community, many of whom celebrate Halloween. There are also a lot of Thais who celebrate Halloween , regardless of being Buddhist, as Thais love nothing more than having fun and Halloween is certainly fun
These photos were taken at the house and on Kao San Road, located in the old town, only a short walk from the Grand Palace.
These Halloween lights are nifty indeed. Some of them look nearly impossible. Somebody went to a lot of trouble and expense to make sure that their Halloween was special. Where was this kind of stuff when I was a kid?
Posted in
BLOGS 31 Oct 2010
Finally, it's time to party off! I’m sure many of you have been waiting for this holiday with impatience, us included.
Izismile Team wishes to all our visitors a great time and all the best.
Inside the post, you will find a fun collection of pictures dedicated to Halloween.
Posted in
BLOGS 30 Oct 2010
A photo blog thing - weird stuff - different side of Halloween
With Halloween just around the corner we thought a Tilted Tens with Halloween goodies would be the perfect end to the week.
This guy named Michael wanted dress up as King Leonidas on Halloween but he was overweight. Well, he wanted it bad enough that he spent 65 days before Halloween getting in shape. He lost over 20 pounds to be able to wear the costume. Michael says that 300 movie and especially King Leonidas was an inspiration for him. It proves that when there is a will, there is a way.
These are some great ideas for Halloween. Regardless if you want to make yourself look spooky or you want some spooky gadgets, this post has you covered. This is the reason why Halloween is such a fun holiday.
Whoever lives in this house spares no expense when it comes to Halloween decorations. These photos were taken by David Lohr who is a crime writer for AOL. There are enough Halloween decorations for any ghoul.
These are some funny pictures with epic costume fails but we can give them credit for efforts.
Posted in
BLOGS 23 Oct 2010
How can we do Halloween without a dose of Elvira (the undisputed Queen of Halloween) tricking and treating?
It seems kids have codes for everything these days. These are Halloween candy codes. They describe every kind of candy known to mankind and some that aren’t. There is even a code for the kinds of candy that their parents will take away from them.
Posted in
ANIMALS 19 Oct 2010
These dogs look almost good enough to eat. They are all dressed up as different foods. They are also very funny Halloween costumes. They are a hamburger, fries, a donut, and the other white meat. I imagine they will get a lot of treats this holiday season.
If you have recycled materials, you can use them to create your Halloween costume. These are just some great ideas of what you can do out of junk.
This might be oldie of the day, but this Halloween costume is the most genius trick ever.
Here you can learn how to carve a cannibalistic pumpkin. It is a great idea for Halloween and the results are very cute.
In case you are thinking about a unique Halloween or carnival costume, you can find this tutorial useful and cool. It’s very easy to make a costume of an octopus if you have an old hoodie and a couple of buttons.

As these photos show, some people go all out for Halloween. This has got to be the best Wolverine costume ever. Although the guy doesn’t look much like a Wolverine, I doubt anyone would say his hands aren’t realistic looking. Ouch!!
We want to thank the site Unrealitymag for this photo material.
So here, all the costumes are based on the events that occured uniquely this year, 2009.
One of the best costumes ever. You just have to find someone who can complete it :))
Eric Testroete did a little bit of paper craft and created this paper head of himself for this Halloween. I am very impressed with the result. He said about his work that it was “inspired by big-head modes seen in videogames”. I find it kind a cool :)
I hope that you spent an excellent holiday and you’ll have something to remember later.
If you have interesting photos from this “horrible” night, share them with others, send them here - content@izismile.com ))
And for now, let’s look at how Halloween was celebrated across the world. 
This year Halloween fell on a weekend, it’s great because more people will be able to celebrate.
Do you have a costume already? I don’t :(
The whole Izismile team greets all of you with this holiday and wishes you to have a lot of fun!
Send all your funny photos from Halloween 2009 at this address: content@izismile.com and they will be published in the next series of “Content sent by users” :) 

This is a cool compilation of funny, original and creative ads for Halloween.