Posted in
VIDEO 12 Aug 2020
David from Essex wanted to go to a bar, so he just decided to bring a bar to his own yard. He made a backyard bar in honor of the pub his wife’s parents used to run, called The Mitre.
There was $3,714 in total.
Posted in
28 Oct 2016
The Hangover Bar in Amsterdam is open on weekends to help you go through your hangover. There are beds, TVs for watching your favorite series if you like and even an oxygen bar. The one thing they don’t serve there is alcohol but you have to take breathalyzer before entering the bar.
Ollie Wolff Pruitt from Dahlonega, Georgia is drawing sidewalk chalk signs for her friend’s bar. She’s been doing it for a year and her drawings are so good that they even helped to increase the sales at the bar.
Posted in
17 Feb 2016
Posted in
10 Feb 2016
Posted in
26 Oct 2015
The Enigma Café from Cluj-Napoca, Romania took approximately two years to build and features amazing moving sculptures and intricate wall designs. It is definitely a must-visit venue on anyone’s trip to the country.
Jonathan Odom designed this awesome home desk that also doubles as a bar and it is a must-have item for people who like to work hard and play hard as well.
Posted in
VIDEO 24 Aug 2015
Posted in
BLOGS 18 Jul 2015
This dude turned his empty basement into an awesome home bar and it is even better than you could imagine.
This blind dude chose a funny to joke to tell in a bar but he had the wrong audience. What happened next was pretty funny.
Kawanabesatou is a Twitter user who photographs his pet hamsters in miniature human settings such as bars and bookstores. It’s strange but the end result is some sweet pics.
Posted in
VIDEO 12 Aug 2014