When a man realized that his golden lab named Honey was his best friend, he decided to tie the knot. This odd couple got married in Toowoomba and plan on spending a short honeymoon in a city park.
Posted in
ANIMALS 23 Nov 2010
Meet the world’s heaviest pug named Jia Bio. This heavy weight doggie weighs in at a hefty 46.2 pounds. He outweighs the previous record holder by an amazing 9 pounds. He is cute but I assume he’s not all that healthy.
To see the differences between a cat and a dog, let’s take a look at their s diaries The dog is obviously the least concerned in all things other than chasing cats while the cat is concerned about everything. It is a good read and very funny.
Another internet meme that is becoming popular on the Web.This time, all of these montages start with the picture of a lapdog - the Bichon Frise, a cute little white doggy which is already funny itself. Let’s see the many works of photoshoppers resulting in this funny Puff dog meme.
Here's the original photo.
Just read it till the end. This story has a lot to say to all of us.
Posted in
ANIMALS 21 Sep 2010
People believe that dogs are smart. But this one was stupid enough to get into a difficult situation.
Posted in
ANIMALS 10 Sep 2010
Shirva locals had an unusual adventure this month. Everything started with the Sapaliga family searching for their pet dog. They found it in the open well. The dog was chased by a hungry leopard who went hunting near Shirva. Both animals accidentally fell into the well, but were rescued by locals and forest personnel who used cages to catch exhausted “adventurers”. The dog has been returned to its master. As for the leopard, it was transported to the National Reserve Forest at Kudremukh.
Posted in
BLOGS 20 Aug 2010
This video is a little scary to weaker people, but is very intriguing. It is difficult to imagine how this dog was able to swallowed something like this...
I received these pictures from my good friend Ricardo Menezes, who had an quite adventure last night with his dog, named "Bill".
He told me that the puppy wanted to solve the problem of oil leaks ;)
Posted in
BLOGS 3 Aug 2010
It all started when ...
The kids and the women folk reckoned that the
puppies should have a two month old birthday party
This dog is eco-friendly. He always amazes walkers, because he is trained to pick up litter and drop it into the nearest bin.
Posted in
ANIMALS 23 Jul 2010
Since many dogs have long fur, their owners feel ok about giving their pets a haircut. Sadly, some of these dogs just cannot say, “Hey, please, noooooo!” before they start looking so funny or get the worst haircut ever.
This man has found a unique way to transform his unusual cargo.
Just look closely and see who’s not belonging to the scene ;))
Some dogs get to go to the store or on a walk with their owners. At least that is what they are probably thinking when they leave home. However, the dog in these photos was in for the surprise of his life. We don’t think he liked it very much either, but, he is a military dog and it is his job whether he likes it or not.
Some people like to dress up in funny animal suits, they are also called fursuits. The pictures are hilarious, and if I met such a “dog” in the street or any other “human animal” for that matter, it would really surprise me ;)
This unusual action was held in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. And the Golden Award goes to…
Posted in
ANIMALS 10 May 2010
There have been lots of protests and riots in Athens, Greece lately. There has also been one dog that has been consistently spotted at these riots for the past two years. It is the same dog in each photo and it makes one wonder why it continues to take part in the riots. It could be that its owner is one of the demonstrators but no one knows for sure.
Posted in
ANIMALS 23 Apr 2010
One man came home from work and found this mess. It was left by his dog that didn’t like to stay alone at home. Mess itself wasn’t a shock, but the dog itself looked really unusual :)
Posted in
ANIMALS 16 Apr 2010
This dog is waiting for its master. I am shocked. I haven’t seen anything like this before!!!
Posted in
ANIMALS 26 Mar 2010
We have already an entry about man’s best friend and here’s a selection about man’s two best friends :) I know guys will agree with me ;)
Hoppa is a dog who was born without its two front legs but has been learning to get around through the use of a specially designed wheelchair. The veterinarians thought the only way to prevent him from suffering would be to put him to sleep. However, Avi Kozi, chairman of the Society for the Protection of Animals in Israel, adopted Hoppa and gave him a set of wheels that has helped him survive.
If you thought that wild deer were skittish and afraid of human contact, you need to take a look at these photos. Clearly this deer, at least, is not afraid of human, or dog, contact. Unlike other wild animals, there is something graceful and noble about a deer. It really is a magical animal.
The dog in these photos is one lucky pooch. Apparently the dog got caught in some flood waters in Las Angeles California and had to be rescued. The rescuers had to life and limb to save the animal and my hat goes off to them.
Posted in
ANIMALS 24 Dec 2009
This blue 4-year-old Great Dane named George is a real giant. He could be the world’s tallest dog! He is 43 inches tall (from paw to shoulder), 7ft 3ins (from nose to tail) and weighs 245lbs (111kg)! Another quite interesting detail: George consumes 110 pounds of food every month!!
His owners are awaiting confirmation from Guinness World Records to see if he’s actually the tallest dog in the world..
Pictures are really impressive!
Posted in
ANIMALS 18 Dec 2009
Faith is an incredible and unique dog. Born with only two hind legs, she learned to walk well just like people.
Despite this serious flaw, Faith is very cheerful, playful and doesn’t really mind that she has only 2 legs ))