Facebook is all about sharing pictures and updating your friends and family about your life but there is such a thing as over sharing and these wicked pictures definitely crossed that line.
These artistic pieces are created by a model sitting on one end of Skype and the artist Sandro Kopp on the other. He takes in effect the changes in speed of the connection. He has had 36 different models from his friends to the famous. They are all included in an exhibition entitled Not a Still Frame (Hybrid).
Cameras can be used in many ways by different people. Some people have ulterior motives while other people don’t. These cartoons are quick to show the difference. Take a look and you’ll see what I mean.
Billy Monk used to work as a nightclub bouncer for Les Catacombs Club in Cape Town in 1967. He had another undercover job as he took pictures of the nightclub revelers to sell those photos to his subjects. Many of his prints will be exhibited in spring 2011 in Woodstock. But you don’t have to wait for another month, as you can see images of people partying many years ago after the jump.
If you were not able to witness a rare lunar eclipse on December 20-21, you can now view these wonderful pictures when the Earth appeared right between the Sun and the full Moon. This event is very momentous, because this eclipse coincided with the winter solstice that hasn’t happened in 372 years. Now we’ll have to wait till 2094 to see it again.
Also catch up with this amazing action that you missed below with fantastic video.
Today offers interesting and fun photos from around the world. We hope that you enjoy these pictures and find at least one to make you smile.
These pictures describe humorous stories from life, showing you how it was before, and how it is now. Comparing the past and the present is something to laugh about.
Do you believe in ghosts? Personally I have never seen one. But these people assure they have. More of it, they have managed to capture ghosts on camera, so you can view their photos and judge yourself whether these pictures are real or manipulated.
Cosplay is a Japanese type of representation when people dress in hand-made or well designed costumes of different characters. As a rule, these are heroes of various Japanese and East Asian comics and print cartoons, graphic novels, video games and fantasy movies. Cosplays have reached China, and today more and more young people join this movement in order to stand out from the crowd and look different. Of course, these cosplays look a bit clumsy, but for the beginners such costumes are not bad at all.
We already had a few posts with the photographs from this amazing earthly paradise. But this place is so gorgeous that we couldn’t help but share a new portion of pictures of one of the world’s most beautiful places. Looking at such beauty, it’s hard not to leave everything behind and move to the Maldives.
Rainy weather can be pleasant on a lazy afternoon. It seems to clean the air. These are some beautiful rain photos that were taken at all different times of day and in all different locations. There is something relaxing about them.
Here’s a bunch of pictures made by Edward S. Curtis in 1906. The whole set of 1,500 photographs released in 20 volumes can be found in the book entitled "The North American Indian.” Curtis' goal was not just to photograph, but to document, as much American Indian traditional life as possible before that way of life disappeared. Curtis got $75,000 for his work from J.P.Morgan.
Here is another great collection of pictures and stories to start your weekend off right.
Armless Man Wins China’s Got Talent
If you look at Earth from space, you’ll be amazed at how beautiful it is. And if you apply false color to the photos created by satellite sensors, you’ll get a stunning artistic result.
Great Salt Desert, Iran
Its another bright and happy Tuesday, and we have another great collection for you to check out.
83 Million Dollar Vase
An interesting compilation of some of the most unusual Google Street View pictures from various positions along different world’s streets.
These photographs are dated 1977. They capture a ship caught in a horrible storm. They were taken by one of the ship crew members.
A pretty huge quantity of photos is taken during the most special day of your life and you may find some awesomely weird, funny and awkward shots among them, whether they were made on purpose or not. Anyway, here are some of the best of these pictures.
There’s a little bit o f everything in this selection, but what gathers them is that they all are related in one way or another to school: from awkward yearbook photos to funny party pics and many others, you’ll see it all!
How is it to get creamed by that huge wave? Photographer Clark Little can answer this question as he is the real master of wave photography.