A frog sails through the rain on a homemade sailboat.
An elephant guards the body of a fallen friend from scavengers.
The elegant coconut octopus is found in the tropical waters of the western Pacific Ocean.
Two stallions battle for dominance.
A clownfish and eel meet for the first time.
An elegant blue half-moon betta fish.
An owl and a woodpecker attempt to intimidate one another.
A leopard retreats to the trees for a well-earned meal
The beautiful multi-colored cuckoo wasp.
An ant drinks from a droplet of water.
The breathtaking african bush viper is well known for its beautifully colored scales.
An arctic fox enjoys the snowfall.
In an amazing display, fish hitch a ride on the back of a whale shark.
The vibrant weedy seadragon carries fertilized eggs.
The sardine run in South Africa sees billions of fish form into unimaginably large groups as they migrate to warmer waters.
Goat kids playing at 14,000 feet
Tiny baby octopii emerge from their strange pods.
The delicate glasswinged butterfly.