3 years old Keanu Reeves
8 years old Angelina Jolie
13 years old Milla Jovovich
A young Arnold Schwarzenegger
Amy Winehouse
Brad Pitt
Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris
Bruce Willis in the 80s
Charlize Theron yearbook photo
Jim Carey
Harrison Ford Empire Strikes Back set picture
Harry Potter Kids
Jessica Alba prom photo
Kurt Cobain having fun
Matt Damon dressed as Humpty Dumpty in a school play
Michael Jordan in College
Natalie Portman on Set of Leon
Pulp Fiction set photo
Robert DeNiro at the set of Taxi Driver
Robert Zemeckis and Michael J-Fox on the set of Back To The Future
Stephen Hawking in zero gravity
The ROCK at the age of 15
Vin Diesel Yearbook photo
Will Ferrel yearbook photo
Will Smith and Alfonso Ribeiro at Playboy Mansion with Hugh Hefner
Young Adam Sandler
Young BIll Clinton
Young Christopher Walken
Young Elijah Wood and Leonardo Dicaprio
Young Emma Watson
Young George Clooney
Young Heath Ledger
Young Janet and Michael Jackson
Young Justin Timberlake and Ryan Gosling
Young Megan Fox
Young Nicolas Cage
Young Tony Hawk