Parenting Just Got Much Less Exhausting With These Brilliant Lifehacks (89 pics)

Posted in INTERESTING       6 Feb 2017       9511       GALLERY VIEW
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Keep toddlers entertained on a flight by letting them play with gel clings on the window.

Upcycle unused Lego bricks into an impressive bathroom organizer.

Use coffee filters as no-stress “snack bowls” for your kids.

Stop your kid from whining “I’m hungry!” by putting snack bins in your pantry.

Have a kid who refuses to take their medicine? Dip a lollipop into the medicine, then let them suck it. Repeat until all is gone.

Gently stroke your baby’s face with a tissue to get them to sleep in less than 40 seconds.

Make “Mother’s milk pacifiers” to soothe teething pain and give your baby sustenance at the same time.

Relieve gas by gently pushing your baby’s knees toward their chest.

Use this gift card trick to make sure you don’t end up short when the holidays arrive.

Use a crib sheet to protect an outdoor baby from bug bites and too much sun.

Relieve discomfort in your baby by massaging their feet.

The best time to cut your baby’s nails is twenty minutes after they’ve fallen asleep.

Stash wipes and a few extra diapers in the back of your car so you can always change your baby in a pinch.

Keep your toddler busy by letting them “paint” the fence with water.

Childproof cabinet doors using hair ties.

Remove marker and crayon from most surfaces using toothpaste.

Attach a sippy cup to your kid’s car seat so you won’t have to turn around and pick it up every time they drop it.

Put a key ring on your child’s jacket to make it easier for them to zip up.

Use clothespins to keep your kid’s toothbrush from touching dirty counters while on the road.

Put masking tape on the carpet to make a race track for your kid’s toy cars.

Use shoe organizers to organize your kid’s things in the car.

Stop your kid from falling out of bed with a pool noodle and fitted sheet.

Keep birthday cake from going stale with white bread and toothpicks.

Dollar Store shower caddies make perfect snack baskets for kids on movie night.

Keep your kid busy by letting them draw on — and in — a cardboard box.

Pizza boxes will also keep your kids busy — they make perfect canvases for finger painting.

Keep your kids’ toys germ-free by washing them in the dishwasher.

Make PB&J sandwiches less messy by using the jelly pocket method.

Keep your kid’s burrito from falling apart by serving it in a mason jar.

Dollar store silverware drawers are great for organizing siblings’ toothbrushes.

Attach your kid’s bubble wand to a pole or wall to make a spill-proof bubble station.

Hang board games on the wall of a play room to save space (and to add a bit of flair).

Hot-glue the holes in the bottom of bath toys to stop mold from forming.

Keep your kids on task at home — and teach them time management skills — by color coding a clock.

Use shopping cart restraints to stop your toddler from dropping their sippy cup onto the floor.

Got a kid who hates baths? Throw some glow sticks into the water to make bathing a super-fun activity.

Save space when packing by rolling your kid’s outfits instead of folding them.

Does your kid yell “too cold!” when they need an ice pack? Give them a bag of frozen marshmallows instead.

Make cleaning Lego bricks easy by putting them in the washing machine.

Fix a doll with a broken “creepy” eye by super glueing it open.

Bandaids can be used to baby proof electrical outlets in a pinch.

Use this ingenious hack to make your kids think twice before they act up again.

Dawn, hydrogen peroxide, and baking soda will get set-in baby food stains out of a onesie.

Keep ice cream soft by storing it in a freezer bag.


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