
The Biggest Guinness World Record-Breaking Foods (25 pics)

Posted in       17 Jun 2016       7779
The Biggest Guinness World Record-Breaking Foods

Guinness World Records of 2012 in Pictures (51 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       29 May 2012       528390

See this awesome selection of the most curious and crazy Guinness World Records of this year that will make you amazed of how wacky the life around the globe may be.


Most needles inserted into the head

Guinness World Records of 2012 in Pictures

Cooking oil

Posted in BLOGS       11 Mar 2012       1587
Cooking oil

Most Needles Threaded with the Mouth in 1 Minute

Posted in       19 Jan 2012       6184

Most Teleportation Illusions in One Minute

Posted in VIDEO       10 Jan 2012       6686

Awesome Guinness World Record. The one with the chair just blew my mind!



The Shortest Man on Earth (13 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Mar 2011       25053

This little fella’s name is Junrey Balawing. He is 17 years old but looks like a one-year-old toddler standing at a mere 22 inches. He lives in Philippines and has three other siblings who are of normal size. Despite the fact that Junrey needs some help to walk and can’t stand for too long because of the pain, the young man never loses his smile. In June when he turns 18, Junrey is expected to get the title of the world’s smallest man according to the Guinness World Records.


The Shortest Man on Earth

The Shortest Man in the World (31 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       7 Sep 2010       11532

According to the new edition of the Guinness World Record Book 2011, Edward Nino Hernandez is recognized as the shortest living man in the world. Nino is 24 years old. He lives in Bogota, Colombia. His height is only 27 inches or approximately 70 centimeters. His weight is only 10 kilograms. Nino loves to dance and dreams about meeting Jackie Chan, traveling around the world and owing Mercedes. Still his fame won’t last too long. As soon as Khagendra Thapa Magar of Nepal turns 18, he will take over Nino’s record as Khagendra’s height is 22 inches or 56 centimeters and he is currently recognized by Guinness as the world’s shortest teenager.


The Shortest Man in the World (31 pics)

Most Pierced Woman in the world (28 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       27 Feb 2009       54353
Elaine Davidson is the "Most Pierced Woman" according to the Guinness World Records.
When examined by a Guinness World Record official in August 2001 she was found to have 720 piercings. Performing at the Edinburgh Festival in 2005, the Guardian reported that she had 3,950 body piercings. She has more piercings in her genitalia than in any other part of the body - 500 in all, externally and internally. In February 2009 her piercings total 6,005 and the total weight of her jewelry is estimated to be about 5 kilograms.

Most Pierced Woman in the world (28 pics)

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