
This 72-Year-Old's Muscle Body Is More Developed Than Yours (9 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       13 Sep 2016       6326

Bernie had a series of mini strokes that resulted in severe kyphosis (hunched forward), in a back surgery in 2011, he also couldn't turn his head to the right, and lastly, had problems with short term memory. So, what he did to deal with it, he started working out. But he did it in stages to achieve his goal. And already in 2012 he started winning fitness competitions.


This 72-Year-Old

Scrawny Dude Transforms into a Massive Muscle Man in Only 16 Weeks (11 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       11 Dec 2015       9839

29 year old Neale Maher was tired of being a skinny guy so he went on a hectic bodybuilding mission and is now a pumped up version of his former known as "The Hulk".


Scrawny Dude Transforms into a Massive Muscle Man in Only 16 Weeks

How Do You Think It Will End?

Posted in VIDEO       2 Aug 2011       9094

This original animated short features a skinny dude and a muscle bound guy on a high adventure. Whoever made this entertaining short must have burned the midnight oil and had a wicked sense of humor.


How Do You Think It Will End?

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