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FUNNY 8 Dec 2016
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CELEBS 8 Dec 2016
Guys at MSN has made a list of the most overpaid actors of 2016. Here is how they did it: they “…looked at the last three films each actor starred in before June 2016, save animated films, movies where the actor appeared in an insignificant role, or movies that were released on fewer than 2,000 screens.We then deducted the estimated production budget from the global box office for each film according to Box Office Mojo to come up with a limited definition of each movie’s operating income. We took the total operating income from the star's three most recent significant films then divided by the star's estimated pay for those films to come up with a final return on investment number.”
The movies listed below have been named by different notable critics as being among the worst films ever made.
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FUNNY 8 Dec 2016
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FUNNY 8 Dec 2016
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8 Dec 2016
If you don’t know something, it’s better to just shut up.
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8 Dec 2016
“It is time to reframe how we think about our past.”
Rodrigo Alves, a cosmetic surgery junkie, was spotted working out in a park with his fitness trainer Danni Levy, 31, who showed off her DD breasts. It took her five boob jobs to achieve the desired result.
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VIDEO 8 Dec 2016
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NSFW 8 Dec 2016
24-year-old Sophie Gajnik from Melbourne suffered from anorexia for some time and when her weight was 30 kg, she realized that she had to make some important changes in her life. So she turned to bodybuilding. Just look at her now.
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FUNNY 8 Dec 2016
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NSFW 8 Dec 2016
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FUNNY 8 Dec 2016
New Zealand’s passport photo checker just didn’t want to accept this Asian guy’s passport photo. You’ve already probably guessed why ;) So, he decided to fix his pic. This is what he did:
Deadly relics and abandoned weaponry from the World War II are scattered across Solomon Islands, Palau archipelago and the Northern Mariana Islands. Wrecked aircraft, rusting tanks, and live shells strewn across the islands attract a lot of tourists. But as fascinating as it is to look at, it is also quite dangerous.