Stuff That Can Help You Get Through Life (24 pics)

Posted in INTERESTING       3 Jun 2019       8365       3 GALLERY VIEW

If you forget people’s names almost immediately after they introduce themselves, repeat back their name when you shake hands

Hi, I’m Sam”

“Hi Sam, I’m Jo, nice to meet you”

Repeating their name and looking at their face will help lodge it in your memory.

Often, being liked doesn’t require you to be interesting/funny. It just requires you to make other people feel interesting/funny

In most interactions, everybody is heavily self-monitoring and will base their judgement of the success of the interaction on how people responded to them. If people laughed at their joke. If people found their anecdote interesting or shocking. If people agreed with their opinion.

So the upshot for people who are shy or worry that they’re boring is: you don’t need to put so much pressure on yourself. Honestly most times all you need to do is take an interest in whoever you’re talking to. Listen. Ask questions/follow-up questions. Laugh at their jokes. And they’ll come out of it thinking you were a really cool person to talk to, when actually what they mean is you made them feel like a really cool person to talk to.

Don’t delete old playlists if you can prevent it; years later you can listen and not only rediscover music you were into but also experience whatever emotion you had associated with your tunes at the time

Don’t take unsolicited advice personally. Most of the time the person giving the advice is giving advice they wish they had, not advice they think you need.

Izismile Videos

If you are buying anything for your wedding, do not tell the vendors it’s for a wedding. Just say a party. Most companies charge 3-4x for weddings even if it’s the same stuff.

This includes cakes. You can just say it’s for a party before the wedding. Same cake. Hundreds of dollars cheaper.

Don’t judge your “market value” as a romantic partner during your teenage years/ early twenties. A lot of decisions during that time are hormone-driven

Adolescence lasts much longer than most people think, until around 25. Before that, the human brain is not yet fully mature, meaning that psychological and behavioural patterns still undergo changes. Thus, our “true personality” only manifests itself during the late twenties.

Before that happens, people are often “in lust” rather than in love, but without realizing it. Our bodies are wired to produce as much offspring as possible as soon as possible, because early humans used to die young. This can lead to our relationship decisions in high school and sometimes college being based on biological urges rather than compatibility of personalities.

So don’t worry if you can’t find a partner in high school or even college – the good times are still ahead of you!

It’s FREE to go to the humane society and pet kitties—this can help someone who is unable to have pets and/or people who are chronically lonely.

Also, if you like to walk, jog, or run, you can stop by the Humane Society and ask to bring a doggo on your walk, jog, or run. The dogs love it, you love it, and everyone wins!

Carry around a card in your wallet/purse with some important phone numbers like parents or friends. If your phone dies or you don’t have it, you have all the numbers you need, and you can use a pay phone or borrow someone’s phone.


Struggle at writing Essays? Outline them extensively. You’ll end up writing 80-90% of your content and the actual essay writing portion comes down to pasting and polishing.

Look at it like how stories are developed. Most writers outline ideas and direction they want to take the story and continue to build off it once they have a clear vision. It’s easier to write once you determine exactly what you’re writing about.

Do not listen to anyone who tries to explain to you that you can afford more than you think you can.

These people usually are trying to get something (money) out of you, or have bad financial management skills and are (intentionally or not) trying to drag you down to their level.

When buying a new appliance (eg, washer, dryer, dishwasher) ask an appliance REPAIRMAN which model he recommends. Don’t ask the salesman

If you ever need to send a serious text message write out a draft in a note app apart from your texting app so you don’t accidentally send a half written or unedited message. This is especially helpful when your emotions are running high. Take a minute to read it over and think


One way to help keep hanging out with friends as you get older is to pick a regularly a occurring thing you do together. Ex: every week watch Game of Thrones together, or a sports team (football is best since it’s once a week). Sounds silly when you’re young, but keep this in mind in your 30s.

When handling firearms, always assume there is a bullet in the chamber. Even if the gun leaves your sight for a second, next time you pick it up just assume a bullet magically got into the chamber.

I always show the empty breech and lack of magazine before I hand a gun to anyone, and I always insist on seeing that the breech is empty and no magazine is attached before I’ll take a gun from anyone. This was drilled into me again and again and again as a soldier.

If you have a big problem at work and you need to break the bad news to your boss, try to come up with a couple of ideas for how to fix the issue before you talk to them. It will come off better and help everyone focus on the next steps. Problems happen, always try to be part of the solution.

Bring a 24-hour survival kit on even the shortest hike

Short hikes are the most dangerous, for one simple reason: people underestimate them and thus go into them without gear and preparation to rely on if things go bad.

The recent (happy) story of a woman who was rescued after 17 days lost in the Hawaii jungle is illustrative of countless similar stories of even experienced hikers going on short, “fun” day hikes, getting turned around/injured, and then getting thoroughly lost – without the water, food, gear, maps, and preparation they’d have on a longer trail.

She survived, but she easily could have died. On a 3-mile trail that she’d hiked before.


Use the recycle air feature on your cars AC system! Instead of constantly fighting to cool the hot air outside, it will cool the already cooled air inside your car. Saving gas, and cooling your car faster.

If you don’t have a dog and are feeling lonely, local rescues are ALWAYS looking for volunteer dog walkers

Obviously you have to go through a training, and there are volunteer boundaries you have to be respectful of. I spent over 80 hours at my local humane society for community service for school, and for the most part it was really relaxing spending time in the cat suites with a book and taking dogs for a walk around the pond behind it. It became a chore doing it for community service, but seeing dogs that are there for weeks light up when they recognize you made me feel good about what I was doing every time.

If you have a cat suddenly start peeing outside their litter box, take it to the vet to get checked for a bladder infection

They stop peeing in the litter box because if it hurts to pee, they start associating the litter box with pain and go elsewhere.

When you cross a road, always make eye contact with the drivers of oncoming cars. Studies have shown that even our peripheral vision can identify faces when you are looked at and thus it increases the chance of being seen and avoids accidents


You do not owe strangers anything. If someone approaches you in a manner that makes you uncomfortable, it is your right to ignore them, walk away, or call for help.

I see so many people seemingly trapped into politeness by societal norms, that they feel obliged to engage with people who are clearly making them uncomfortable. F@#$$%k people who think it’s okay to harass you and expect to be treated with politeness.

When making rice, use chicken broth instead of water. Will turn even the most bland rice into something delicious.

The purpose of HR is to protect the company from you, not the other way around

Think about it this way: why would a company bankroll a department that doesn’t have 100% of it’s best interests in mind?

Unions are not bankrolled by companies for this exact reason.

So next time you have a complaint, particularly with management, consider whether or not you’d be better off going to your union or labor board.

I unfortunately am not aware of alternatives to unions or labor boards for those who don’t have access to either.

If you have a prescription that’s expensive even with insurance check the manufacturer’s website. Many will have coupons or copay cards.

Also if you are having trouble affording the meds talk to your doctor. They may be able to find a more affordable option or give you samples to get you through for awhile.




Order 5 year s ago
ah the bias of rescues. a boss adopted a rescue and took it to work. it was lazy. but every time a man came in with a hat they had to lock it up. they're all lawsuits waiting to happen. just put them down.
Smarter 5 year s ago
#Treat every gun as if it was loaded. Check it, then check again.
#Never point a gun at anything you are not willing to destroy.
#Don't put your finger on the trigger till you are on target and ready to shoot.
#Always be aware of what is behind what you are shooting at. Bullets go through stuff, and beyond.
Girl 5 year s ago
#11 is not true. My parents' repair man told them to replace their old dishwasher with a new GE model. They got the exact one he recommended. Turns out it had extremely poorly ratings, something the sales person tried to warn them about, and was breaking down every 2-3 months.

The repair man was the only GE certified repair man in the area, and therefore the only person that could work on it under the warranty.





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