"That's Imperial Castle In My Hometown Poznań. It Looks Way Better After Cleaning"
"Roommates Thought The Sink Was Permanently Stained. I Got Bored In Quarantine And Proved Them Wrong"
"Power Washed Patio Then Built A Canopy"
"A Building Janitor In France Trying To Give A Smile For The Residents During The Lockdown"
"Feast Your Eyes, You Power Washing Freaks"
"I'll Finish Washing The Fence Tomorrow. But Until Then..."
"Picked Up This Old Concrete Park Table As A Freebie. Had To Take The Power Cleaner To It. Apologies About The Cat, He’s An Exhibitionist"
"Picasso On Driveway. Dirt, Water, Power Washed Concrete. Me. 2020"
"Looks Almost Like Fresh Paint"
"Power Washed For The Very First Time, Thought You Guys Would Enjoy"
"Pressure Wash The Driveway She Said"
"Half Way There"
"I Told My Wife I Was Taking Pictures For My Friends On The Internet. She Said "They're Not Your Friends""
"Now We Won’t Slip Going Down The Stairs"
"Customers' Patio Area That I Cleaned Recently"
"Very Dirty Tractor From Fall"
"My Husband Bought Me A Power Washer For Mother’s Day. I Wasn’t Thrilled At First, But Now I Can’t Be Happier"
"I Didn’t Even Know We Had Multi-Colored Tiles"
"Before And After My First Wash Job"
"16 Years Of Neglect vs. 3200 PSI Pressure Wash"
"Got This Table For Free Today"
"I See Your Driveway, And Raise You An Entire Ship"
"When I Mentioned Starting A Pressure Washing Business, People Laughed, Shrugged It Off, Or Claimed There Is No Money In It. Four Years Later, I’m So Glad I Did"
"Moral of the story - don’t listen to the people who haven’t accomplished anything. Find a positive mentor and chase that dream."
"Power Washed Half The Tennis Court"
"Can You Tell Where They Stopped For The Day?"
"Just Moved Into A New Rental And Knew This Would Be My First Thing To Do"
"The Back Patio Of Our New House. I Have On Good Info That It Hasn’t Been Cleaned In Around 40 Years"
"I Told My Dad That People On Internet Love This Kind Of Stuff"
"Did This For My Grandpa, What Do You Think?"
"My Clothes Smelled Like Swampy Ocean And Seagull Poop But That Was A Price I Was Willing To Pay"
"Power Washed These Adirondack Chairs That Have Been Sitting Outside For 30 Years"
"Wife Wanted To Buy A New Playhouse. I Wanted To Use My Power Washer"
"No Caption Needed"
"Today The Fence, Tomorrow The World"
"So Satisfying"
"A Little Tennis Court Cleaning We Did This Week"
"I Just Assumed That Those Were The Colors Of The Tiles When I Bought The House"
"Dirty Tractor And Cart. Not A Perfect Job But Still A Little Difference"
"The Previous Owner Left Her Power Washer. After 9 Months, My Husband Finally Used It. 2020 Thrills"
"My Neighbor Knows Where His Property Line Ends"
"Totally Did Not Realize The Amount Of Grime Build Up"
"First Time Using A Power Washer And It Was The Most Joy Filled 45 Minutes I've Had Since Pre-Corona Times"
"I Was Passing By A Building In Tehran And I Saw This"
"First Time With A Power Washer! I Played Tetris With Paving Slabs"
"I Never Knew These Stones Had Such An Awesome Pattern. At Least 10 Years Since Cleaned"
"New Fence, Who Dis?"
"Washed Off 20 Years Of Texas Weather This Weekend"
"I Just Remembered This Picture From 4 Years Ago. I Think It Fits Nicely Here"
"Before & After: Power Washing Our Patio Furniture"
"Not Power Washing, But Too Good Not To Share"
Better plan: mix some hot water, bleach, and a little dish soap in a pump sprayer. Spray the mixture onto the siding and let it sit for 15 or 20 minutes. Rinse off with a garden hose. Works great.