Oh, So They Weren’t Kidding… (17 GIFS)

Posted in GIF       11 Jun 2022       2991       GALLERY VIEW

"Had an old lady ask me when her dog would grow it’s leg back after an amputation."


"I was eating ice cream and an old guy walking into the ice cream parlor said, “Oh, that looks good! I’m gonna get a spoon.” I smiled and laughed awkwardly, until his damn spoon was in my ice cream."



"Used to work at a big bank that bought out another, somewhat smaller but still pretty big bank about 10 years ago.

Some guy came in all pissed off because we didn’t send him a new debit card with the new bank’s logo on it (they intentionally made it so the old ones would continue working until they were originally set to expire). Said it was “embarrassing”.

“I can’t be the only person who’s gotten upset over this, right?!?”

Yeah homie, you were."


"A friend sent a photo of herself in a hideous wedding dress with “guys i found my dress” and I completely thought she was joking. I would have responded with lol or a barf emoji, but got caught up and didn’t respond for a few hours. When I checked my phone the other bridesmaids had written “omg gorg” “love it” etc… and I realized she wasn’t joking. 

I was so relieved that I didn’t respond first. Side note, but related, our bridesmaids dresses were ugly af and expensive. At least we all looked ridiculous that day."



"At a coworker’s house playing poker after our NFL fantasy draft. One guy asked where the bathroom was, and off he went. Came back a few minutes later and the host asks if he seriously just took a sh#t in his house. We all laughed, and turned our attention back to the poker game.

He wasn’t joking. He was genuinely upset that someone used his bathroom to take a sh#t. He said it was extremely rude and something you should wait until you get home to do."


"30-45 days after separating (before divorce was final, but i was already out of the house)

“my boyfriend is moving in. his name is froy.”

…. f@#king. Froy.

My name is Roy.

Are you serious."


"A very sarcastic, hilarious guy posted about “going to see God” on Facebook. I replied with something snarky along the lines of the old “Have you found Jesus? I didn’t know he was missing!” joke.

…his wife posted it to let everyone know he’d died of a heart attack."


"When my boyfriend (now ex) wouldn’t buy me tampons in the fear of been mistaken for a gay person."


"A coworker asked me if blind people are allowed to drive."


"On my second date with a guy he told me he saw a UFO once and was absolutely positive aliens exist. I asked him to tell me about the UFO, and he said it had blinking lights and as it moved slowly across the sky, it left a trail of dust behind it. What he was describing was clearly a plane, so I laughed, assuming he was messing with me.

This upset him, and he asked why I was laughing at him — it really was a UFO! When I realized he was serious, I asked, “Are you sure it wasn’t just a plane? It sounds like a plane.”

His response: “Oh, yeah. I suppose it might have been.”

We broke up later that week."


"I’m a geophysicist and was working at the time for a major oil company. I was paired up with a colleague who is a geologist to work on a project. One time we were taking a lunch break and chatting about our project when another one of our coworkers, a drilling engineer, sits down at our table and starts to talk to us about the flat earth theory. 

I thought he was joking around at first so I snort laughed. Turns out he was dead serious about trying to convince a geophysicist and a geologist that the earth was flat. We both lost all respect for this idiot that day."


"Started coaching college basketball in the Fall of 2020. Second day there, girl had been sick and went to the doctor to see if she had covid. She came to meet with me and the head coach and said jokingly(or at least I thought) “well I don’t have covid but I am pregnant” I laughed thinking she was actually joking but she was dead serious."


"I work at a grocery store. A guy had a birthday cake made with his daughter’s name written on it. He asked me where he could find the candles, then after I got them for him he asked me if there was someone in the store who could light them for him.

I laughed, but he then asked again. This man really wanted to drive home with a cake with a literal open flame on top…"


"I was working for Starbucks, and a customer ordered a “caramel Madagascar.” So I laughed thinking it was a joke, and repeated it back correctly as a “caramel macchiato.” He was not joking, and called me “pretentious” for pronouncing it correctly and to not name drinks “hard to read words.”"


"When my ex GF told me she was getting a tattoo with my name on it. We were together for only 6 months. I thought she was trying to just say it to sound cute and told her not to do it bc we are too young for that kind of stuff (18 and 19 respectively) but a few days later I met with her and she showed me the tatt. One of the many reasons I broke up with her."


"I was talking to someone ill call Gordan

Gordan said, “Hey, I’m gonna drug that girl”. I asked if it was a joke because in my mind it was a joke. he then put it in her drink. I took it and grabbed a new one for her when he was distracted. I later told the police and he was arrested."


"At a friend’s watching television. The friends older brother and his friend are outside. Suddenly the brothers friend comes barreling inside saying the older brother cut his finger off. We were “yeah, yeah, sure” Then the brother comes in holding his hand. We were still not believing either one of them. So the brother shoves his half a bloody digit in our faces."



Credits:  www.reddit.com






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