"Over $2 Million Dollars Worth Of Crypto Locked Inside A Celsius Account With No Way To Withdraw"
"Men in Black (1997) – All the work that goes into capturing a shot of Will Smith sitting on a bench."
"Glastonbury Festival 2022, 220,000 thousand attendees"
"Cool Design For A Handrail'"
"La cueva de las manos (Cave of hands) Artist unknown 8000 B.C. (story)"
"Lake Mead 1983 vs 2021"
"This is where queen Elizabeth II will be buried"
"Jeff Bezos riding Space Mountain alone"
"Gas Prices In Beverly Hills, CA"
"Identical twin brothers Josh and Jeremy married identical twin sisters Brittany and Briana. Both couples gave birth to male babies at the same time. Although technically they are cousins, children are genetically brothers. It gets weirder: both families live together in the same house"
"Cloudflare has a wall full of lava lamps they feed into a camera as a way to generate randomness to create cryptographic keys"
"This emergency button at the venomous snake exhibit, Toledo Zoo."
"The number of Scrabble pieces in a set as the alphabet as done by my daughter"
"The difference in 2x4 lumber from 1946 and 2022"
"Flew on a new Delta plane, and they put a window in the lavatory"
"The first page of the Scots edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"
"Found a pink pineapple"
"My small town has one of the original copies of the declaration of independence."
"My small town has one of the original copies of the declaration of independence."
"A button for crossing the road on a horse"
"What a cactus looks like after being struck by lightning"
"A six-day stay in the hospital in 1947 cost you $129:"
That's why if you're tearing down an old house you want to try and salvage as much wood as possible, it was all old growth timber and is better than what you get today.
strange my son had one of his fingers chopped off same place and it never "grew back"
its the same regardless of which button you push. it doesn't save much clean water
No. It's obviously not the same. If you use the save button you use around 67% less water. (source: any plumber).
But don't take my word for it! You can simply use your very own ears to hear it flushes less and therefore doesn't need to refill as much thus using significantly less water which is good for the environment not to mention your wallet.
What exactly is your claim that it's the same despite these logical facts any 5 year old child would understand by him or herself? Does the water save button initiate a hologram that brainwashes us in thinking we use less water?
Why do you need to attack Midge? It's not productive and devalues your comment
I'm not attacking him. I'm proving him wrong with facts to back it up. I'm not just gonna let him spread lies and misinformation unopposed
I understand you want to further his conspiracy nonsense by this. I mean, I've seen comments of yours that point that you have a lot of the same ideas. And it's cute you want to try it like this.
Try to disprove the facts if you can...
As the text says: "When this is burned, uniting with oxygen....". This oxygen comes from the atmosphere. There will be two oxygen atoms per carbon atom, and the oxygen atom is also a bit heavier than carbon. So the resulting CO2 will be heavier than the carbon in the coal.
You are missing the point. It's not about the type of wood, but its size. The older piece is really a 2x4, while what is being sold as a 2x4 nowadays (depending on the region) is really a 1.75 x 3.5 piece of lumber