In 2013, a cat ran for a mayor in Mexico.
If you die in your apartment alone, your cat will probably try to eat you.
According to a Cornell University study, between 65 to 85 percent of white cats that have blue eyes are hearing impaired.
Cats can’t see directly below their noses. That’s why they miss food that’s right in front of them.
Cats can drink seawater.
Unlike humans, cats have kidneys that can filter out salt and use the water content to hydrate their bodies.
Nikola Tesla was inspired to investigate electricity after his cat, Macak, gave him a static shock.
There are about 13.5 million more cat owners than dog owners in America.
A female cat is called a “molly” or a “queen.”
Cats can distinguish flavors in water.
Exotics are the most popular breed in the US.
Cats can’t taste sweet things.
The richest cat in the world inherited $12.5 million when its owner passed away.
Kittens start to dream when they’re about a week old.
Purring actually improves bone density and promotes healing within a cat. The purring frequency — 26 Hertz — apparently aides in tissue regeneration and can help stimulate the repair of weak and brittle bones.
By neutering a cat, you add about two to three years to its life.
Cats have a distinct pattern on their nose, like a human fingerprint.
Cats cover their waste in sand or litter as a sign of subservience to humans. If they don’t cover up their waste, it’s like they’re saying, “I’m not afraid of you, human.”
A cat can jump about six times its own height.
There’s a cat that lives at a nursing home in Rhode Island who’s “predicted” the death of more than 25 patients there. Nurses at the nursing home noticed that the cat, named Oscar, tends to show a ton of affection and care to people who are on the verge of dying — and there’s actually some scientific basis for the cat’s weird skill.
If they do cover it, it means they recognize you as being higher up in the household hierarchy. Therefore a cat that does not cover it may in fact be thinking a little less of you than one that does.
That's kinda on you, though...
My cat sh#ts on the floor right next to the litter box. What does that mean?
It means you took Amber Heard's cat.
Now give it back.
Never mind the a-holes above. If you're serious, you should take it to the vet to have it checked out. There are a number of reasons your cat may be doing that, from stomach cancer to worms. Sometimes declawed cats don't like the way the litter feels, so they avoid it.
Huh. Fancy that. A cat that doesn't sh!t in a box.
That would mean it doesn't really have anything going for it, at all.