This, in all its 1912 glory, is what a first-class suite looked like on the Titanic:
In a French deck of playing cards, instead of seeing J, Q, and K, you'll see V, D, and R:
There are some German bars that have sinks designed specifically for puking in:
These were some of the job necessities for a TWA flight attendant in the 1940s:
Izismile Videos
Cement trucks and other giant trucks can have student drivers:
This is what Charlie Chaplin looked like as a young man:
For reference, here's how you're probably used to remembering Charlie Chaplin:
And just for good measure, here's what an eightysomething Charlie Chaplin looked like:
Cuttlefish have W-shaped pupils:
This is the 2.7 mm Kolibri, the world's smallest pistol:
This is one of the few known photos of Vincent van Gogh, shown here at age 20:
Rainbows can happen at night. When they do, they're called "moonbows":
Garlic can be just one giant clove:
This is what a close-up of a line drawn with a red crayon on a piece of paper looks like under a microscope:
A PlayStation 5 controller has tiny little PlayStation buttons all over it:
The man on the left, Muggsy Bogues, played in the NBA almost twice as long as the man on the right, Yao Ming:
Both legends in their own right, Muggsy played for 14 years, while Yao played for eight seasons.
This is what a 100-sided die looks like:
This is what a ballpoint pen looks like under an electron microscope:
This person that has a fox living in their hedge:
Keeping with the theme, they also gave it a tiny game library lmao
Yeah. And for a long time there was also a requirement that they be single, with no children.
#17 even new these never stopped rolling.
#38 Saturday, Donny, is Shabbos, the Jewish day of rest. That means that I don't work, I don't drive a car, I don't f***ing ride in a car, I don't handle money, I don't turn on the oven, and I sure as sh*t DON'T F***ING ROLL!