Childhood Wonder Unleashed: Simple World Facts For All Ages (29 PICS)

Posted in INTERESTING       25 Jan 2024       2571       1 GALLERY VIEW

""Arctic" means "Bear" "Antarctic" means "No Bear". Not because polar bears live in the arctic and no bears live in the antarctic, but because to get to the arctic you follow the bear constellations, the Big and Little Dipper, and to get to the antarctic you go away from them."


"In Switzerland, it's illegal to own just one guinea pig; if you have any, you have to have at least two. They get lonely!"


"Most elephants weigh less than the tongue of a blue whale!"


Izismile Videos

"A flock of sheep in North Wales had to be quarantined because they'd learnt to lay down and roll over cattle grids. If they'd made contact with other sheep they might have passed the behaviour on, and all the cattle grids in Britain would become ineffective."


"Its funny how all of these end up being animal facts.

While sea otters sleep, they hold paws so they don't float away from each other.

Also, sugar is pretty much tasteless to cats. They don't have taste buds for sweetness."


"Butterflies taste with their feet. When they land on a flower, they can tell if it's good to eat just by standing on it."


"Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.

Might be kind of “big thinking” for a 4y but that has always stuck with me."



"Tell them "Right now, as you are going to bed at night in the middle of winter, there is another little child somewhere else walking up in the morning where it is summer"."


"1. Honey never spoils. Archaeologists have found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3,000 years old and still perfectly edible!

2. Penguins waddle because their legs are short and their bodies are chubby. It helps them balance on the ice.

3. The sound a giraffe makes is called a "bleat." It's sort of like a sheep's sound but much quieter.

4. A group of flamingos is called a "flamboyance." Isn't that a fun word?

5. Octopuses have three hearts! Two pump blood to the gills, and one pumps blood to the rest of the body.

6. Lightning is like a giant spark of electricity. It happens when tiny ice crystals bump into each other in a cloud.

7. Bees dance to tell other bees where to find yummy flowers. It's like a bee dance party!

8. Cats have a special "meow" just for humans. They learned that we pay attention when they make that sound.

9. Your fingerprints are unique. No one else in the world has the same fingerprints as you!"


"Did you know that there are colors that humans can't see? Animals like the mantis shrimp can see a lot more colors than we can, which means that there are "secret colors" that we will never get to know about. Non 4-year-old explanation: the vast majority of humans see things in "channels" of red, green and blue. Some humans are lucky and are born with four "channels", called [tetrachromats]. Mantis shrimp see things in TWELVE different "channels", and can even see ultraviolet and polarized light."


"Did you know that cats aren't technically domesticated? They're still technically wild."



"The rarest precious jewels in the universe are not diamonds or rubies, they're pearls and amber.. Most precious stones just need minerals and pressure, and that's found everywhere. Amber needs trees, and pearls need oysters, and those are only on earth."


"There are more plastic flamingo lawn ornaments in the US than there are wild flamingos in the entire world."


"Birds are dinosaurs.

Whales and dolphins are more closely related to hippos than fish.

A cartoonist named the spikes on the stegosaurus tail."


"The fruit orange was named before we had named a color orange"



"The Flemish giant rabbit can grow to be the size of a dog"


"When it's Winter in the United States, it's Summer in Australia. When it's Winter in Australia, It's Summer in the United States.

If a month begins on a Sunday, it will have a Friday the 13th."


"* William I of England was too fat to fit in his coffin.

* Platypus lay eggs and make milk. 

* Cows have 4 stomachs. 

* Lots of fish can feel electricity 

* Cheetahs mew like cats. They can't roar. 

* Red seaweed lives deeper in the sea than green seaweed."


"There’s a SKELETON hiding inside everyone you know!"



"Horses can't throw up and will get sick from tummy aches to potentially need surgery."


"Tell her about those butterflies that have wing patterns that look like eyes that makes animals think they're a predator

a zebra's stripes are as unique as a human's fingerprints.

ok, let's try for a non-animal fact. the planet Venus spins in the opposite direction of other planets

a word spelled the same way forward as it is backwards is called a "palindrome." Mom, dad, and racecar are examples."


"Sloths hair grows from their belly.

Sloths climb down from their tree about once a week to poop.

Kangaroos can pause their pregnancy.

Sharks sink if they stop swimming.

A giraffe has a nerve that goes from under their tongue alllllll the way down their neck down near their heart and then back up.

Only a small part of your eye can detect color. (Cones)

Smell is the strong scent tied to memory because the nerve that manages smell goes directly to the brain instead of having a connection along the way.

The tongue is the strongest muscle in the body by size to weight standards."



"Owls cannot turn their eyes in their sockets, they are fixed in place which is why they do the goofy little head rolls/bobs. Its their method of depth perception."



"We are all made from star dust."


"Wombats poop cubes."



"The US government has a federal reserve of 1.4 million lbs of cheese"


"The hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards."


"While a zebra is smaller than a horse, a zebra can kick with more power than a horse (I think a horse generates about 2000 psi with a kick, while zebras are closer to 3000 psi)."


"Start with a subject and do facts for a week then switch it up. For example

Dinosaur facts for a week, then space, then history, then geography."



"Sure I have some suited for children.

* not all ladybugs, are ladies. 

* locust are just hungry hungry grasshoppers. 

* Most of the fruit we eat is bought from other nations during the winter. 

* with each mile you go into the earth, the more warm it gets. 

* There is no pasta at the center of the earth. 

* Many house cats wandering neighborhoods are more likely to visit a neighbor if they use the same detergent as their owners. 

* Dogs will wait for you, almost forever. 

* Tomatoes, Cassava root, potatoes, corn and supposedly ~~earthworms~~ ~~apple pie~~ Navy bean soup… are all from the American continent. 

* Exercise allows you to become smarter and faster."




1   Comment ?
Virdie 7 month s ago
#13 To geologists, amber and pearls are not actually jewels at all, they are organic gemstones and fossils. They are grouped with semi-precious gemstones for sale only because of their value to the common person.





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