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My advice? Focus outside yourself. Do good to others. Help people in need in your community. Spend more time with your grandparents while you are able. Do not neglect your spiritual life.
Wow, I found your advice garbage too. I did exactly that, volunteered, cared for grandparents, and gave all to spiritual life in my teens and 20's, followed everybrule/law, and didn't drink or party, only to be ignored, lied to, cheated on by non-profits, family and friends.
Exercise is good, but excessive and injurious practices only increases future pain. There is NO WAY to know if you picked a partner who will be compatible win 5-50 years, people change with life. And finally, the ONLY advice of any value is CREATE YOUR OWN BUSINESS. That's right, pick something and make a business, then fail and try again, and again, and again, until you do it better than the businesses the older generations built and push them out of the industries. Make it better then they did!
When I find you, that’s what will happen to you.
I didn't report it or anything because it's easier and less drama to just drift away then burn the house down on the way out.
Stay away from take away
Enjoy the little things that make you happy
Don't love your employer, you're just a tool to it
Don't smoke
You are not responsible for what other people think you say or mean
You are not your job. you are not how much many you have in the bank. you are not your f-ing kakis
Remember, different generation means different challenge...