Unautomatable Professions: Jobs That A.I. Can't Swipe From Humanity (19 GIFS)

Posted in INTERESTING       29 Feb 2024       1835       10 GALLERY VIEW

"I’m a plumber in Ontario. At this point I can literally quit my job right now via text and have a new one lined up for Monday. No AI or modular homes are taking any work from me."


"Teacher, especially for younger kids. Parents want their kids learning from a human because there’s important social aspects they must learn."


"Teacher! Sorry but if covid has taught us anything it’s the need for a real person standing in front of these kids. As a teacher for the last 22 years i can tell you that these kids are damaged from remote learning. Turns out much of my job is getting kids to be present in the moment. Not distracted by the window or the kid next to them,not the phones but the material in front of them. Phones (and the ai in it) are making it harder but they need human beings to guide them and train them to gain intellectual endurance. AI will never replace us."


"Engineers. Even when we have AI robot workers, someone will still need to fix the robots."


"The firefighters came, took out some contraption and took the fire out through one of the windows of the factory. Using the Bernoulli principle. They never entered the yard. The fire raged 20 minutes and was done in 5 minutes after they came. I can’t see a situation where AI is so responsive to really complex situations. Maybe some future AGI, but then we will achieve post scarcity."


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Because politicians know they are vastly overpaid, and won’t want to lose that."


"Professional athlete."


"Wiping old peoples’ butts in nursing homes. Guaranteed job for life."


"Comedians. AI can’t write funny things."



"Maintenance electrician here. My job is.

There is a new task every day and nothing of it follows any sort of standard procedure at least for an AI.

It would first need to have a fully functioning body that can work without electricity in tight areas before it could even begin to replace me."


"I’m biased but being a therapist. It’d be easy to make an AI who does it poorly and unethically. But to make even an alright therapist it would be insanely hard."


"A fine-dining chef/cook. Sure, you could make a robot that throws ingredients together in a pan, and perhaps even beautifully plate it, but they lack the ability to taste. A cook needs to taste their food to make sure it tastes the way it’s supposed to.

Also, we use our ability to smell to reveal if certain foods have gone bad/rancid/rotten. If a human open a tub of chicken, and it smells sour and rotten, you throw it out. AI/robots can’t smell, so might serve rotten food."


"Honestly? IT

There’s always going to be something going wrong with computers that are so dumb and unique that AI won’t have any idea how to fix it."



"Attorney. There are some things even AI won’t do."


"I’m an occupational therapist in an inpatient rehabilitation hospital helping people regain independence with their daily activities. Hard to see AI taking my place any time in the near or even mid-future."


"Massage Therapist."


"Pilot probably. AI has been flying planes for years. But we still need pilots because we just don’t and can’t trust computers with all those lives like that."



"Pet care.. I can’t see people trusting AI to deal with the level of unpredictability of watching 35 dogs in a playgroup!"


"Specialized education. Private school teachers, sports coaches, tutors."


"I think most jobs are safe, which is an unpopular opinion. AI generated content is mediocre at best, and the PR nightmare that follows getting called out on it is a dumpster fire. Maybe in 10-20 years this concept of job security can be revisited.

But right now, AI just is quite sub-par at delivery in a non-ideal environment."



Credits:  www.reddit.com

Arminda 7 month s ago
With the exception of writing papers and articles, AI is a big nothing burger ATM. AI might be important 100 years from now but we are no where even close to it being an issue now.
Maria 7 month s ago
Simulated intelligence is as intelligent as it is coded.
plenty of errors and wrongful collection of information some times.
Valerie 7 month s ago
#6 Whoa on this one! It would be much more interesting and probably more exciting to watch robots rather than bad-acting humans play soccer.
Otis 7 month s ago

then watch the robocup, it has been around for some 25 years.
Clifton 7 month s ago
#10 Bullsh#t
Otis 7 month s ago
What gets oversold as "AI" those days is just an intelligence simulation that's clever enough to convince laymen to overhype and invest in this BS.

As of right now, I don't see any REAL danger from "AI". It has to get better by order of magnitudes to be a real threat.
Virdie 7 month s ago

True, most current AI is nothing more than a parrot, just regurgitation trained phrases, which means it's Algorithm Intelligence NOT artificial intelligence.
Gwen 7 month s ago
For some reason, I get this feeling AI is somewhere in the same neighborhood of people who invested in NFT's. If everyone can do it/have it, it's not that special at all and just becomes a money sink or a cheap tool to promote more talentless people.
Virdie 7 month s ago
I disagree with almost all of these. AI is a tool, and as a tool, it can be trained to do ANYTHING that requires intellect. Just because it isn't trained to do it now (therapist, artist, surgeon, tracher) doesn't mean it won't ever be trained (remote learning is NOT AI and can not be compared). Most studies show AI is nowhere ear perfect but depending on purpose of use has proven to improve and become better at many jobs that "only humans can do". Reality isn't based on opinions, like religion and politics, so AI can do real things like government and social laws super easy.
Harriet 7 month s ago
I'm sorry but, massage therapist? Okay, so no it's not AI but most people here just seem to think ai means robotics or tech anyway.

I have a neck massager that heats and massages my neck, those chairs at thr mall are amazing, and those water jet beds are better than ANY human message I've EVER had. Now, add a SIMPLE AI program that learns the speed, pressure, and area it's human owner likes and responds to best and it could EASILY do that job. In fact, that would be SO much better than a human. Don't get me wrong, I love getting a massage from an SO but lying in a bed while a stranger rubs my nearly naked body? I've had one professional massage in my nearly 40 years of life and I've never left a room more uncomfortable and stressed in my life. I would much prefer an AI learning massage machine over a human message therapist anyway.

Sure, there are plenty of jobs some people will ALWAYS prefer a human to do. I personally love self-checkout while many people hate it. But, a job human will still be able to get paid to do is not the same as a job AI will never be able to do





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