"I found a locked gun safe in the creek at the back of our property"
"The person in front of me won their car on The Price is Right"
"The size difference between my mom and my little brother"
"Massive color difference between my hands"
Izismile Videos
"Almost all my store-bought strawberries still had the flowers attached to them"
"Bees Swarmed my Plant"
"Orange Fanta side by side Europe/Portugal left and the US right"
"My upstairs neighbor dropped a quart of milk and it's dripping into my apartment"
"When I squeeze my partner’s mouth together it looks like he has two identical sets of lips together side by side."
"The bananas which arrived in my grocery order today have a noticeable size discrepancy."
"One of our new chickens laid her first egg yesterday and it didn’t have a yolk."
"Brand new battery vs one I had in my laptop for two years"
"The matching wear on the heels of two of my daily use pairs of Docs"
"Guess Who game comparison. Most recent edition and the 1987 edition."
"Pumpkin we've had since October of 2023 looking exactly like the day we bought it"
"The couple behind us posed for our picture at a baseball game"
"This woman has the biggest head of hair I have ever seen"
"Underground nest of garter snakes at a friend's house"
"They repaved our road and put a bottle in the new road"
#9 eeeww, a snot catcher
#14 now more people with a tanning bed
A**hole, throw it back