“Left my lawnmower outside overnight and something chewed through the gas tank and… Drank the gas?”
“Today is my birthday and the city bus was honking at my car crazy and then hit my car from behind TWICE on purpose in the middle of heavy traffic.”
“My roof was struck by lightning tonight and now water is leaking into my attic. Sheetrock beginning to sag in my kids room. Been up since 0330 getting everything moved out of that room before the ceiling gives way. Rain is forecasted all morning.”
“Good fishing by the dam I hear”
Izismile Videos
“Bought a “big” tube of super glue…”
“Someone decided it was a good idea to use the oven to warm up expanding foam.”
“Just finished a big bowl of popcorn chicken and thought a few pieces had a weird texture.”
“Decided today I was going to take a different route in the construction zone to get to work.”
“My kid got ahold of my recently found iPhone 4S. Planned on retrieving photos and It’s going to take a few guesses for what the password is.”
“Drunk driver pulled out in front of my fiancé and I”
“Fedex put our graduation cap and gowns on the dumpster on trash-day. We graduate in 1 week.”
“Neighbors light beaming us lol“
“Girlfriend spent two months on this puzzle.”
“So there I was enjoying a lemon Caesar salad. Then bam! This little guy comes out of nowhere.
“Uncovered my car from winter hibernation to find out the seals rotted on my t tops/windows and leaked all winter.”
“My mom just opened her newly ripened avocado ..seed?”
“I had a sh#tty day, so I ordered a depression pizza. It arrived like this…”
“Bought a tv stand off of marketplace. Seller neglected to mention they had four cats that pissed all over it for years.”
“The result of the kids brushing their teeth.”
“Just unboxed my new monitor and tried to swap to a new HDMI cable”
yup. it's really gonna be fun for electric cars. mice got my whole ignition system on my focus.
Squirrels nested in my van and my wife's RAV4 two years ago. The baby squirrels ate the Hell out of both vehicle's wire harnesses and happily nested on top of the engines. We were away on vacation for a month and both cars sat in the driveway and they moved right in while we were gone. Combined cost of replacing the harnesses was around $3,000.
I had a squirrel hide on the engine block, and the farm dogs ripped off the front quarter panel, bumper, all the wind-faring underneath, the engine wiring harness and punctured across the side of the hood trying to get it.
Insurance adjuster wrote it down as a bear attack - nice guy, cut me a 12K euro break.