The Most Annoying Customer Habits According To Restaurant Workers (4 PICS + 13 GIFS)

Posted in INTERESTING       27 Jun 2024       1831       2 GALLERY VIEW

"When asked if I could get them anything else they reply “A million dollars” like they are the most clever person in the world, and I have to fake a laugh like I haven’t already heard that 15 times that shift."


"Snapping their fingers

Waving money in the air to get my attention at the ba"


"I worked as a server for a couple of months. The customers that annoyed me were the ones that wanted to argue with me about the pricing of the item or how a particular dish is made. I have no control over any of that and so its pointless for me to stand there receiving a lecture about that when I have so many other tables I have to get to."


"People who insist on sitting outdoors then complain about the temperature, bugs, or noise."


Izismile Videos

"The restaurant I used to work at had food runners. It never failed when I would see the food being brought out no one remembered what they ordered. I’d say for example chicken Caesar salad and everyone just gives you a blank stare like your speaking a different language"


"Empty plate… “Oh I HATED it!”

And me, laughing like it’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard while my soul slowly dies"


"People letting their kids throw sh#t everywhere and not even attempt to clean up after themselves! I worked as a waitress for 6/8 months and it was my biggest peeve. Now when I go to eat with my toddler I always make sure to clean up everything after we eat (including the floor, kids are messy)"


"“The customer is always right”

F@#k right off, sometimes the customer is an entitled spoilt brat who needs to show some respect and stop talking down to everyone like they own the place."



"I work at a pizza place and we use a money reader for big bills and whenever I put a twenty or higher through they always go- it should work! I just printed them this morning! I hear this several time a week."


"Honestly, the amount of men who think women will find it cute when they harass them is astounding.

Multiple times a day I would get questions like “are you on the menu?” or “how much for a drink of you?” or asking for something that I need to bend over to get and then telling me they only wanted it to get a better look at my butt. I could honestly write a book about all the inappropriate sh#t I experienced while waitressing."


"In my time working food service there was really only one thing that got under my skin and that’s people who bring their children or dogs in and let them completely go butt f@#k wild. I get it, sometimes they require a little extra patience but when they start becoming so unruly that it bothers everyone in the place you need to step outside and correct the situation."


"When you take food to a table and they say “we also ordered…” I DAMN WELL KNOW, I CAN ONLY CARRY SO MANY THINGS AT ONCE"



"Sometimes when it’s not busy people walk in and sit at the only table in the whole f@#king place that isn’t cleaned. Like, plates and glasses left from the previous visitors. What in the actual f@#k are those people thinking? It’s not that we’re a small place with only two tables or something, we seat around 300 people."


"If your server drops the bill, don’t sit and talk for an hour and a half before paying it. Your server just wants to collect the signed receipt and go home, they could give a f@#k if you sit and use the table for another 3 hours. Pay it. Sign it. Leave it on the edge so the server can grab without interrupting you. Sitting on an unpaid bill isn’t some hack to get you more time at the table"


"Recently while eating out I spotted a kid playing with one of the chairs, pushing back and forth in the aisle. It was extremely disruptive to the waiters who needed to move quickly through the place. Kid’s parents were completely ignoring him. Thankfully no disasters happened but can you imagine?"


"Using my name (on my name badge) constantly as if we’re pals."



"Coming in when we’re closing soon"




Lotta 2 month s ago
Without looking at any of these (and I'm not going to anyway) there simply MUST be a pic or gif of people taking a picture of their plate of food to post on the internet. If there isn' really should be.
Lil 2 month s ago
As a customer, what I hate is a bitter, sullen waiter/waitress that thinks we should applaud them for their hard work or be responsible for encouraging them and then expect a good tip for crappy service. Hello! If you can't handle a variety of personalities you are definitely in the wrong line of work!





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