Insider Warnings: Foods Restaurant Staff Recommend Avoiding (15 GIFS)

Posted in INTERESTING       18 Jul 2024       1832       4 GALLERY VIEW

"KFC burgers are bad. Only get buckets from KFC, nothing else."


"Chick fil a worker – I would honestly say the food is pretty safe, it’s all made back there minus the soups.

However the drinks on the other hand, it’s financially smarter to just go to the gas station and get yourself a fountain drink than pay $2 for a large coke that is half the size of a large at McDonald’s."


"Any “sandwich” from Starbucks. No, we don’t make anything in house. It’s shipped out to us frozen and we just reheat it in the oven for you."


"They don’t have them anymore but when I worked at Arbys the Arby-Q was the one thing I would never eat. That sauce would sometimes be 2 months old I’m not kidding. Whenever I handed an order to a customer who ordered one I would say “here you go!” not “enjoy your food!”"


Izismile Videos

"If you go to a McDonald’s that has a shake machine that is always working, don’t get a shake there. If you go to one that is always “broken,” it’s perfectly safe to get a shake there. The reason the machine is down so often is because it has a really long cleaning cycle that needs to be done frequently."


"I worked at Chuck E Cheese years ago and while the pizza was good & safe (its pretty tough to screw up pizza) but the salad bar would be a pass.

Adults and kids would just toss the tongs and spoons all over the salad bar, letting the handles fall into the food, getting all the different vegetables and dressings mixed together. All this at one of the grossest places on earth where they are putting their hands all over video games, the ball pit, pizza, and around again.

At the end of the night then we would flip all of the salad bar vegetables over into fresh containers and top them off for the next day. They did get thrown out every few days. If employees ever made ourselves a salad we would make it from the ingredients in the fridge that were not yet out on the Bacteria Bar."


"The ice machine. They don’t get cleaned as often as you’d hope."


"At Dunkin, I’d say everything is fine except frozen drinks made with the old island oasis machine. My store now has a vitamix blender, but the old machine was never cleaned well enough."



"Try not to get decaf at burger king, I’m not sure if it is just the one I worked at or if it is all their outlets, but we didn’t actually brew any decaf. Whenever someone ordered it, my manager would just ask us water down the regular coffee."


"Worked at a Bojangles. I didn’t notice much issues with the ice, but I know in general that ice machines are an issue.

Chicken. For being a fried chicken place, the fresh fried chicken, I’d avoid that. The tenders, supremes, and Cajun filet are all fine, those are frozen and just fried. But the legs, wings, breasts, thighs, those come fresh raw, and get marinated. The issue is, sometimes the store orders too much. Maybe you plan for that Friday night football game that got rained out and now you didn’t have that influx of people. Or, you didn’t plan enough for Sunday, because it’s the summer and families are spending their time at the beach, but it rained and their plans got rained out and they all came to Bojangles for a tailgate special. So you ran out, panicked, over-ordered the next week and it’s sitting in the cooler.

I’ve seen green chicken. We’ve fried up green chicken. We’ve feared getting written up if we refused to serve it and if we did something that would cause it to get thrown out."


"Worked at Wendy’s. The chilli kinda grosses me out. We take all the hamburger we didnt sell and put it in a bucket and put it in the sink and then run water on it so the meat gets all mushy and wet. Then we put the bucket in the big freezer till morning. Then we cook the chili with the soggy hamburger, and two bottles of premade mixes."


"Haven’t worked there in 20 years, but the fish filet at McDonald’s has probably sat there forever because it’s only popular during lent."



"If you have peanut allergies, don’t get drinks from Sonic. They do not care about cross contamination AT ALL."


"Worked at a chain coffee shop with a type of Reindeer as its mascot. Bakery items are designed to be dry in order to get you to buy coffee and the coolers are overly sugary."


"My brother worked at Subway in the early 00s. He told me to never eat the tuna and to not ask him why. I’d never had one to that point, and still have not."




Nathaniel 3 month s ago
Restaurants? These are not "restaurants". McDonalds, Burger King, Wemdy's, etc. are not restaurants. Those are Fat and Sugar Counters.
Leon 3 month s ago
those places usually have higher cleanliness ratings than your typical restaurant, especially that chinese buffet place
Chan 3 month s ago
#15. BS. I worked at a subway in college. The tuna is canned albacore and mayo. That’s it.
Gilbert 3 month s ago
Chan, maybe he just knew something about that PARTICULAR Subway?





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