Life Lessons From 60+: What Truly Improves With Age (20 GIFS)

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"Empty nest. Your kids are adults now, and have reached the crossover point where they worry about you more than you do about them. Let them. You’ve earned it."


"I was so stressed out…couldn’t sleep well, so much anxiety. Retired, and I sleep like a baby now. No stress, no anxiety. Gone."


"I just don’t give a flip about what people think. That is wonderful."


"At 60 the house was paid off, the cars were all paid for and all the student loans were finally paid off. At 62 I got out of the stupid truck for the last time after grinding for 44 years. The next day the fucking alarm clock did NOT go off at 2a.m. The piece of mind and the ridiculous calmness one can experience at this point is something I can only hope for every hardworking soul."


Izismile Videos

"I would echo what’s already been said with one other little thing…clothes. The new rule is casual and comfortable. Sometimes even tattered. Bras last for years now because I rarely wear them. I haven’t bought anything new in awhile. No one cares and that makes me happy."



If you’re retired, it’s all your’s now."


"Senior citizen discounts"


"All my hard work from 18 to 65 paid off! Retired to the Oregon coast. Bought a fixer upper that I am having SO much fun working on. Joined some service clubs. Made friends that I hang out with now. Started playing Pokemon again. SLEEP whenever I want without an alarm. FREEDOM from people telling me what to do (work)."



"Bumming out goth and punk kids. They’re trying SO hard to look menacing and extreme. They have no frame of reference for some old geezer who says “Awww, that’s adorable! You look just like I did at your age. Do you still use Aqua Net for spiking your hair? That stuff was the sh#t! I went through a whole can doing my Mohawk for a Dead Kennedys show in ‘81.”"


"Women get harassed by men less when they get old.

Also you can get away with things because who wants to argue with an old lady"


"60 something

But most of all simple living. The small things matter most now. Sunsets, hummingbirds, lightning bugs, pretty flowers, fresh veggies…"


"Monday is now my favorite day of the week."



"I’m in my late 60s and I still work. But I like my job and I like the people I work with. I have work friends and I have friend-friends of all ages. I get invited out a lot. I’m really having a good time."


"Not 65 anymore…

I spend way less money than I ever have on cr#p I don’t need. That extra money is used for lots of travel, because I’ve got more time to do exactly what I want AND I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks of me AND I realize that most people aren’t thinking about me anyway."


"The sex gets better! No worries about pregnancy, STD’s, no kids interrupting! Now that should be something to look forward to."


"Knowing you absolutely nailed some things, nothing can change that. Having survived everything else. The ease with which you execute things now. And the occasional awe people have when you tell a story."



"My garden is better. No weeds and regularly watered. My fresh baked bread is fantastic now that I dont force the rise. That 2 cup of coffee laying in bed as I read the news is definitely better than sitting at a work desk. I could go on but you need to find your own joy in aging.

It’s different for everyone but one thing we all have in common is we worked to get here and know some that didn’t make it."


"Your outlook on life. I’ve seen how people can’t even remember what they used to be upset by. Maybe age related memory loss but peace takes ahold of your prospective, and changes it. More tolerant and understanding."


"We have more funds and more fun"


"Having gone thru almost the entire life cycle you start to understand a bit more about life."










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