"When hunting, foxes have been known to urinate on hedgehogs in order to make them unroll."
"Approximately 30% of the airspace in China is made available for commercial use. In the U.S. that number is over 80%."
"The first thing that monkeys did after being taught to recognize themselves in the mirror was check out their private parts."
"So far in the 21st century, the most banned book series on Earth is Harry Potter."
"Chinese villagers used to eat dinosaur fossils, believing that they had healing properties. They also called them “Flying Dragon Bones.”"
"Wookieepedia is a massive encyclopedia for Star Wars fans."
"Gunner, an Australian dog, was able to detect incoming Japanese planes 20 minutes before they even arrived during WWII."
"If a Bald Eagle loses a feather on one wing, it will lose a feather on the other in order to keep balance."
"There are over 100,000 surnames from The Netherlands."
"The Shortfin Mako Shark is not only the fastest shark in the world, but it can leap up to 30 feet out of the water."
"The reason why firehouses have spiral staircases is because horses, who used to pull the fire wagons, had learned to walk up the straight stairs."
"The Amazon River flows into the Atlantic, but it used to flow into the Pacific."
"A fingerprint discovered on a piece of clay pottery in Kuwait was found to be the oldest fingerprint on Earth. It was dated as 7,300 years old."
"In 1917, Charlie Chaplin was such a popular figure that nearly 90% of men who attended costume parties that year went dressed as him."
"The permit you need to climb Mount Everest costs $25,000!"