"My Hoa Sent Me A Letter That I Need To Have A Fence Blocking My Trash Cans From View"
Izismile Videos
"Hoa Cut Down Our Tree"
"We moved into a brand new neighborhood in January and all summer we were asking our HOA for our pool key and in response they had our tree cut down because it “looked dead”. The person sent to cut it confirmed that it did not look dead but did their job anyway."
"Hoa Flipping Out Over Black House"
"My HOA, in Texas, has recently FLIPPED OUT, because we painted our house black. The photo attached isn’t the actual house but it could be. Originally, all of the houses built, in the early 2000’s, were similar pastel colors. Light grey, yellow, blue, etc.. very boring. The CCRs state that to repaint your house you have to submit the color to the architectural control committee (ACC) and that the colors be “harmonious” with the neighborhood or some BS like that. Nothing specifically prohibits any specific color. We followed the rules to the letter, got written approval from the ACC but now the HOA president, Karen, is trying to make us repaint and force the members of the ACC to retract the approval or resign. I say they can kick rocks. What I don’t get is WHY DOES SHE CARE?? It doesn’t impact her in any way and the neighborhood, although outside of this particular HOA, already has tons of black houses. Do they seriously think that forcing every house to look the same will somehow boost property values? I think the opposite. (It’s also worth noting that every house in the HOA has tripled in value over the last 10 years so home value is not even an argument by any stretch)."
"Hoa Gave Us 1 Week Notice To Fix Our "Stressed" Tree Or Else We'd Be Evicted. We Sent Them This:"
"This Guy Got A Letter From The Hoa Because They Were Jealous Of His Generator While They Were Without Power"
"Hoa Left This Sticker On My Car"
"My car was parked a bit (3/4) on a total quiet dead-end street, I understood my mistake but what was the harm in leaving a NORMAL PAPER under my WINDSHIELD WIPER??? I spotted another car with the SAME sticker with a failed attempt to peel it off. Until I can figure out how to get this residue off, I’ll have to drive around looking like a total dumb@$$"
"I’ve Been Kindly Reminded By The Hoa That We Are Allowed 6 Pots Of Live, Healthy Potted Plants On Our Front Patios. Don’t Tell The Cactus"
"Fined Over $800"
"I’ve been fined over $900 so far for solar string lights and a trellis. That were installed before the new rules were even forced on us."
"My Dying Tree"
"This is the tree we topped at the end of last year that our HOA is convinced will not survive nor thrive. We have to tear it out and replant with another tree of their liking."
"According To The Hoa I Need To Do A Better Job Of Maintaining My Yard"
"Hoa Making Me Repaint My Entire House During Christmas Week Because The Paint Has Slightly Faded"
"Hoa Ripped Out Three Trees Overnight Because They “Didn’t Look Orderly”"
Not all are bad. Our hoa fees cover maintenance of the common areas and neighborhood pool. They pretty much leave us alone. I see things every day that are in violation of our bylaws and no one cares. I’m guilty of a few myself.
The only letter I ever got was when I left my boat on the street for 2 weeks.
I take enough order from boss, wife , government officials definitely do not need some one telling how to live and maintain my house
Seriously: Why do people live in HOA communities where people get harrassed on a legal basis? It seems quite bizarre to me.