"Elementary School Paper"
"Making These Paper Chains At School For Chistmas Decorations"
"Card Catalog - When I Was In School And Needed Google. My Only Option Was To Go To The Library"
Izismile Videos
"Pencils With Cartridges"
"Old School Fidget Spinner"
"Overhead Projector"
"Scholastic Book Fair...best Week Of The School Year"
"These TV Carts Always Meant Class Was Going To Be Fun When The Teacher Rolled One In"
"Ruler Stencils"
"The Teacher's Pull Down Maps"
"The Old School Library Book Pocket Card"
"Listening To The Radio Waiting To See If Your School Was Closed When It Snowed"
"Did Anyone Else Have A Stage In The Cafeteria Of Their School?"
"I See Your Overhead Projector And Raise You A Mimeograph"
"Who Remembers ... The Grade Book ?"
"I Still Remember The Cold Hard Surface Of These Lab Tables"
"This Student School Desk"
"Fresh Play-Doh"
"My Mom Was Just Giving This Away"
"Just Found This While Cleaning My Cupboard. My School Pencil Box From The 90s"
The same in Northern NJ in the 70's. The fire siren would blow at 6am if there wasn't any school that day due to weather. More than one snowy day was ruined when there was no siren by 6:05
I think they were also used to pull down maps that were hung up very high (usually a bunch were hung together).
They had just installed these my junior year of high school, still remember the day in chemistry where they had us using the Bunsen burners to bend glass. You could tell the kids that were sheltered and the one s who could use tools by who could get the burner lit with the torch igniter (and then there was the kid that took his Bic lighter out of his pocket to light the burner...)
#19 And again... Still standard in Germany.