Posted in
ANIMALS 12 Sep 2011
What would happen if animals went crazy and started to act or dress like humans? The answer is after the jump.
Proving that there are few things cuter than a dog being itself, these photo booth pictures will make your heart melt.
A moose got drunk and started to whoop things up. The owner of a house heard weird noise in his garden. He went outside to find out what was going on.
The Philippine villagers caught a giant crocodile that was terrorizing many tribespeople in the south of the country. The hunt lasted for a couple of weeks.
If you own any kind of pet chances are good that you have had to deal with chewed on, torn up or generally destroyed property. See which photos you identify with the most.
This photo set is about bears from the Kamchatka Peninsula, the farthest point east of Russia.
1,3 million of birds in one place.
Spot a cat on the picture. It’s there.
These pugs are really afraid of hurricane Irene and they decided to take all necessary measures to get through it.
Tourists were surprised to see a polar bear climbing the 90-meter rocky cliff hunting for bird eggs. These photos were taken in the Novaya Zemlya Archipelago.
Posted in
ANIMALS 30 Aug 2011
It is always interesting to observe communication between different animals. Most of these “couples” are funny and very cute. It is unbelievable how they could find a common language!
Posted in
ANIMALS 30 Aug 2011
Steve Gschmeissner, 61, a retired scientist and photographer from Bedford, was able to increase the size of these insects by one million times using a scanning electron microscope. The results are amazing close up 3D photos of these insects.
Wasp head
Posted in
ANIMALS 26 Aug 2011
This shows how loving and loyal dogs are. This was a touching moment.
Posted in
ANIMALS 23 Aug 2011
Dogs are the truest kinds of friends as these photos prove. They are loyal, obedient and provide undying love. The old adage that a dog is a man’s best friend is indeed true.
Posted in
ANIMALS 22 Aug 2011
There’s no escape for you…
Posted in
ANIMALS 20 Aug 2011
A fox named Alice was photographed digging for her next meal.
These are very interesting photographs of animals in the wild by as many as 420 hidden cameras which were installed in tropical locations. It’s a rare thing to get a photograph of animals in their natural habitat.
Posted in
ANIMALS 16 Aug 2011
Horseshoe crabs are an example of creatures that inhabited our planet some 230 million years ago. They have not changed a bit over time. They can be easily recognized by their straight rigid tail and hard shell that reminds of a military helmet.
Posted in
ANIMALS 16 Aug 2011
This is the most unusual pet I have ever seen.
Posted in
ANIMALS 15 Aug 2011
Cross-bred between a serval, an African wild cat, and a domesticated cat this unique animal gained popularity towards the end of the 20th century. They can weigh as much as 14 pounds, are very loyal like dogs and can be walked on a leash. However, you will have to pay at least $20,000 to buy one.
Posted in
ANIMALS 12 Aug 2011
These ocean creatures are very creepy and more terrifying than sharks. They are deadly, incredibly large, and they all are very scary.
Giant Halibut
Posted in
ANIMALS 12 Aug 2011
These are some amazing and interesting antics by cats.