More and more photos with mysterious and marvelous creatures appear in the Internet.
Here is another example. It looks kind of like a bug or something. Do you have any thoughts what it might be?
Posted in
ANIMALS 23 Oct 2009
Mother Nature gave those creatures an amazing gift - the best natural camouflage ever!
Some of those lizards are very difficult to notice.
Russia's woodpeckers are so severe that...
See after the jump.
Posted in
ANIMALS 20 Oct 2009
This post is another example of the consequences of human pollution. It’s really shocking!
Look after the jump what those birds have eaten and the reason why they died.
Posted in
ANIMALS 19 Oct 2009
This 18-month-old pet feline named Scarlett’s Magic, who stands at 17.1 inches from shoulder to toe, is a new world record holder – this cat holds the Guinness world record for the tallest domesticated cat.
Apparently, Savannahs (cross between the serval and a domestic cat) are becoming increasingly popular in California due to their unique appearance and learning abilities.
Posted in
ANIMALS 19 Oct 2009
Look after the jump how this big thief did his job. Even the police was surprised…
Posted in
ANIMALS 16 Oct 2009
The Capybara is the largest living rodent in the world. Its closest relatives are chinchillas and guinea pigs. Its common name means "master of the grasses" in the Guarani language while its scientific name, hydrochaeris, is Greek for "water hog". Adult capybaras may grow to 130 centimetres (4.3 ft) in length, and weigh up to 65 kg (140 lb). The top recorded weight is 105.4 kg (232 lbs).
And this one named Caplin Rous (pronounced rose) is quite famous in the Internet
Posted in
ANIMALS 16 Oct 2009
Nature is playful and it likes to amaze you all the time…
It’s a compilation of enormous animals that are way bigger than their brothers/sisters…
Dolphin, sharks, whales and even birds are competing underwater for fish. It’s amazing.
Take a look at the pics, they are worth it.
Posted in
ANIMALS 15 Oct 2009
During WWII many countries developed gas masks for animals. And as dogs had particular various integral roles during the war, gas masks were developed especially for them.
“Hey guys, look how cute I am” ))
Well, the Dog and the Cat have had some troubles lately and the situation was tense.
Then, on food day, the Cat didn’t show up at all, so the Dog became suspicious: “What if the Cat tried to poison the most sacred thing of all…my FOOD??!!” He was hungry but he decided to bring someone to test his food first…
In Florida, people saw near their house a huge snake and called the police.
Trappers were called later and they were horrified when they saw the monster.
As it turned out later, it was a 7 feet 3 inches long giant Eastern Diamondback rattlesnake, now being called Rattzilla.
Trappers didn’t have any other choice but to kill the snake.
You can see the size of the monster after the jump.
Posted in
ANIMALS 13 Oct 2009
They are the cleverest creatures of the ocean, but they like to have some fun too!
It’s way cooler that smoke rings…
I don’t really know what’s going on here with those snakes, but that’s weird…
Are they alive or what?
Two cheetahs have decided to have a meal, but they chose the wrong victims.
Their choice fell upon piglets. Everything would be good, if there was not around the angry mother of the piglets.
After meeting with her, they had to go away with nothing and some real pain. Ah, the power of maternal instinct.
Posted in
ANIMALS 8 Oct 2009
Those cute tiny pigs cost between £150 and £700. They only weigh 250 grams at birth and are just the size of a tea cup.
2 years later when they are fully grown, they weigh around 20-25 kg (50-60lb) and stand at around 35 cm (14in) tall. Even less for some…
They can live up to 18 years and contrary to what we may think, they are very intelligent, low maintenance, quiet, very clean, have very few health issues and are easy to toilet. And last thing, “you can't get allergies from pigs as their skin is very similar to ours, and they have hair not fur.”
In fact, they are the perfect pet!
Look at the pics and the video after the jump.
Discover what guest it was after the jump…
A guy was driving to work when he saw a great horned owl on the side of the freeway, next to a wall. The owl could fly but not very well, so the guy thought the creature had been hit by a car. He caught the owl and took it with him. Later, he got a box to put it in, which made the things easier because the owl was pretty mad. Then, he dropped the owl off at a state park where an animal rescue team took care of it. Now, the owl is doing well and should be ready for release. The guy managed to take these 6 pics that I actually find impressive, look at its big eyes! The owl looks so mad!
Just cute ))
Taxidermy is already awful by nature but what some people did with those dead animals is even worse than traditional taxidermy… just take a look at these monstrosities and you’ll understand what I’m talking about.
Animal lovers, don’t look at this post!
Posted in
ANIMALS 30 Sep 2009
How do you imagine a calendar? Let me guess)
The best-case scenario, with half-naked girls or boys, in the worst with nature photography? ))
Creative people from the company Takkoda have turned around our vision of calendars.
After all, the main heroes of their calendar are pets presented in the image of rock stars.
And guess who is who.
Look at what those fishermen caught? A real monster.
As impressive by its size as by its aspect. I don’t know what species it is, but there is a lot to eat…
Other fish on the boat look so ridiculously small in comparison.
Posted in
ANIMALS 28 Sep 2009
This is probably the saddest dog in the world.
At least, I haven’t seen a pug sadder than that.
Posted in
ANIMALS 28 Sep 2009
It dances and sings and its facial expressions are just priceless ))
Well, it’s a really funny cat ;)
There is a shelter in Hadera, Israel, which contains about 300 cats with 3 people who are constantly working there.
The shelter exists thanks to their personal financing and donations from people. Cats aren’t only fed and washed in the shelter, they are also treated and sterilized.
Here’s what the photographer of these pictures wrote: “Shelter raises mixed feelings. On the one hand, cats are tidy, well fed, found their home.
On the other hand, it gives an impression of an orphanage: all the cats are trying to attract attention, look in the eyes, if you sit down, they try to climb on you: your lap, hands and shoulders.”