In order to collect the letters of this alphabet, the photographer Kjell Sandved spent many years.
The fact is that all these letters were photographed on the wings of butterflies.
This is very beautiful and you should definitely see it ;)
In nature, they practically don’t come across.
Crocodiles and different kinds of cats - lions, tigers, leopards...
You will see one of the most brutal fights after the jump.
Amazing photos of a startled bird flock. Birds literally overshadow the sky.
Stunning view!
Posted in
ANIMALS 31 Aug 2009
This series of spectacular pics is for lovers of what Mother Nature has created in its waters. The photos are truly beautiful.
You will see different animal species like Lightbulb Sea Squirts, Violet Sea Slugs or anemones…etc.
The guardians of a park in Colorado found a bear sitting in a special pit for skateboarders.
It seems that the bear had spent the whole night there. He wasn’t able to get out of there because the concrete walls are smooth and there is nothing to cling to.
Look after the jump how they helped him.
Posted in
ANIMALS 28 Aug 2009
Look at the size of this monster. Impressive.
You should always be careful with seagullls. Whether this penguin didn’t know that or he was simply shocked of such impudence.
But one thing is clear, that day he was left without dinner.
Posted in
ANIMALS 27 Aug 2009
Baby animal are born at many zoos but those whom you'll see are the cutest, most fun and exotic.
Posted in
ANIMALS 26 Aug 2009
The whole ‘show’ lasted few seconds. Wildlife photographers were watching the bait for three hours in the Atlantic Ocean near Cape Town (South Africa), when at last, a great white shark weighing over two tonnes jumped out of the water for a few yards, catching its prey.
And the photographers could take a picture of this incredible jump, just the way they wanted.
Posted in
ANIMALS 26 Aug 2009
I’m not a fan of poodles, to be honest, it’s quite the opposite but those ones are really funny.
I could easily say that it’s a piece of crap and we should not make that to dogs but c’mon, look at the camel, it’s so funny! And the others are great too.
You may wonder why people did that to their poodles, well the reason is simple – they were all competing for the title of top dog at 'creative grooming' shows across the US. Owners of the dogs (mostly women) have only two hours to transform them into another creatures, but the poodles are colored before they arrive.
I call it art, funny and original art. I wish there were more of those creations to see in this series of pictures. Enjoy!
Posted in
ANIMALS 26 Aug 2009
Natural camouflage is the best camouflage ever )
It really looks like a leaf, isn’t it?
Posted in
ANIMALS 25 Aug 2009
Look at Teddy, a Pembroke Welch Corgi.
Isn’t he cute? Of course he is, and maybe one of the cutest I’ve seen lately.
More photos of his cute puppy inside the post.
Recently, in the Denver Zoo, emperor tamarin twins were born.
The father of those babies died before they were born and their mother died 9 days after their birth.
The Zoo staff has made all the necessary efforts to ensure babies’ survival.
Incredibly cute little creatures
Posted in
ANIMALS 21 Aug 2009
Do you want to see how some species of snakes are born?
The process of birth is not very pleasant though.
Posted in
ANIMALS 21 Aug 2009
An experienced diver and photographer was able to swim close to a giant whale.
It seemed that the whale wanted to be photographed and even performed a little dance.
Posted in
ANIMALS 20 Aug 2009
Even very different kind of animals can be friends with each other and spend time together in harmony.
This compilation is a proof to that. Positive images inside the post.
Posted in
ANIMALS 19 Aug 2009
It’s not common but nevertheless possible to see some least expected animals wandering around the city.
On these shots, animals caught in the city, on a swing or even in a supermarket.
Posted in
ANIMALS 19 Aug 2009
This is the angriest cat I’ve ever seen for the last years.
Oh boy, how cute his facial expression is on the last pic.
10 years ago, the elephant named Motola has lost her leg after she stepped on a landmine.
Now she’s 48 years old and the Thai workers of a veterinary hospital have made her a present - a real leg prosthesis.
Well done, guys.
Animals often get stuck and it happens usually because of their curiosity.
In most cases, they can’t get out by themselves and need human’s helping hand ;)
For example, this stoat traveled sixty miles in the engine compartment.
Posted in
ANIMALS 13 Aug 2009
What a huge fish! It is the thought that crosses your mind while you are looking at the pictures. But this it is not for its size that this fish is famous...
Posted in
ANIMALS 12 Aug 2009
Scotoplanes are a genus of deep-sea holothurians (sea cucumbers) commonly called Sea Pigs, Sea Pork, or Sea Swine. They live on or just underneath the surface of the bottom of the ocean, on the abyssal plain.
Some ugly creatures are also hidden in the very deep areas of the oceans.
Look at more pics of this weird creature inside the post.
Do you remember the amusing cat that sleeps all the time no matter what.
So, here’s another cat who’s the same. Nobody and nothing will prevent him to sleep good
Posted in
ANIMALS 11 Aug 2009
Dogs don’t always brawl with cats and quite often, there is a real friendship between them.
Let's see how they are getting along with each other.
Posted in
ANIMALS 10 Aug 2009
Apparently, there are dwarfs even among horses. Here is Koda, a dwarf horse. It is so small that people often take it for a plush toy.
Koda chooses friends by size for a walk ;)
A photographer managed to photograph a funny scene, the heroes of which are a cane and her ducklings.
During a walk on a pond, one of the ducklings climbed on a wooden stick, apparently, willing to rest a bit.