Hello to all IziSmilers. Finally, I looked through all your photos you sent to us and another selection was done. Thank all of you for submitting your pictures; you help to make Izismile more interesting and interactive place to hang out. So, we want to continue down this path!
We also wanted to thank our beautiful female IziSmilers for their photos for the new topic Submitted Sweeties that we talked about previously.
There have been more submissions since last time, but still not enough to make a selection. So please, a little more action, we are so close to making a great first post.
Plus, from what I’ve seen we have very pretty girls on Izismile. We are very lucky to have you :-) Just a few more photos and we can make our first Submitted Sweeties post; otherwise it will be delayed until the next week, which would be too bad.You still have some time, so don’t feel shy, send us pictures of you, I’m sure there are plenty of beautiful girls among our Izismile community.