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DAILY 23 Mar 2011
Fail photos come in all languages and from every part of the world, so why not dig deep into the treasure trove that is Latin America? Hold onto your burrito, empanada, ceviche or humita because it’s about to get ugly. ¡Que chistoso!
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CELEBS 23 Mar 2011
That’s right, Liv Tyler and Steven Tyler, like in father and daughter.
Even if it was a real quick kiss, it still was a kiss on the LIPS.
Simply look for three words and they will give you a good description of the kind of person you are. Life is a mystery after all.
Posted in
CELEBS 23 Mar 2011
Chris Brown Throws a Tantrum on Good Morning America
Seven laser beams, matching the colours of the stripes on the Utrecht University flag, are projected on the Dom Tower in the city center from a building in the university, in Utrecht, Netherlands, March 22, 2011. The laser show is part of the 375th anniversary celebrations of the Utrecht University. [REUTERS]
Barely standing but still for sale, these one hundred left for dead houses in the economically ravaged city of Detroit are in desperate need of attention. Photographer and Detroit native Kevin Bauman took these photos over a ten-year period, and today the Mayor is offering homes for almost nothing, in order to reinvigorate the area. Time to move to Detroit?
With everything happening in the world these days we seem to always be searching for answers. We have grabbed some shots of the world around that might help us sort out the answers to our questions.
Just Do It
If you don’t have place for your computer, be creative!
Two chicks sit down to a healthy dinner of DOGFOOD!
Posted in
23 Mar 2011
Located in the Yellowstone National Park, this stunning hot spring has a beautiful aqua color at its core because of a unique type of bacteria. Unfortunately, idiot humans have littered the pool with various types of trash, turning the pool into an ugly golden yellow color. Sorry about that nature.
This popular franchise all kids love is not all pretty. When you think about it, Pokemon is only about catching little, sometimes helpless, creatures against their will to make them fight against others ‘til they cannot take it any longer, pretty much like in dogfights.
Not so childish after all, but what if the game was exclusively dedicated to a more mature public?
Well, here is what you probably could see in the game.
Posted in
23 Mar 2011
These are some incredible photos that were taken from the sky by Alex MacLean. In addition to being spectacularly beautiful, they also show some amazing geometric patterns.
Posted in
23 Mar 2011
Here are some crazy scenes from the life of dolls that are somewhat racy and have black humor.
Posted in
23 Mar 2011
These are some amazing and colorful paintings by artist Serge Birault. They are somewhat surreal paintings that are also very beautiful. They are of some rather strange and weird looking young women.
Posted in
23 Mar 2011
These dramatic and never seen before pictures of US soldiers training, resting, and on the battlefield along with other war related scenarios were all banned from publication in the United States. It seems that the censors did not want to show any weakness, give away any trade secrets or potentially embarrass the US. Protocol has not changed very much in the intervening years, but the soldiers’ outfits certainly have.
American soldier was feasted and flattered by French women.