Watch out Energizer Bunny, this battery has been working since 1950, and it is still going strong.
This little slice of heaven is Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island. It is available for only $53,000 per night if you count to take 28 favorite people with you and it comes with a staff of 60 employees. It is located in the British Virgin Islands and is 74 acres of land that is surrounded by beautiful sandy beaches, coral reefs, and gorgeous blue water.
These people are living in 200 miles of a flood tunnel beneath the glamorous Las Vegas Strip. They are mostly criminals, drug addicts, and the homeless. These living conditions are deplorable with all the rats and filth. However, many of them have brought all of their belongings to the rooms that they have created in the tunnel.
These grandmas are really with it. They are acting like teenagers… They are really flaunting their assets. I find it refreshing to find hip grandmas that are young at heart. Take a look and see what you think.
This post is a gallery of every type of gun that you can imagine that were photographed by being scanned by an X ray machine. There are handguns, long rifles, and machine guns. You can see all of the inner workings of the guns and how detailed they are.
The archives of the Bishopsgate Institute contain photos of old London from 1883. These snaps are of such good quality that in the windows of some houses pieces of sliced bread can be seen and the old playbills can be read. The atmosphere in the photos makes me think of the Hound of the Baskervilles. It is like this that I imagined London while reading the story.
These photos were taken by French photographer Franck Bohbot who traveled to Barcelona, New York, Madrid, and Paris to take them of David Blaine levitating. I know it is some sort of trick, but it is still amazing.
This is an office made entirely of paper including the people. The amount of detail is incredible. Everything is to perfect scale. Somebody had a lot of time on their hands and is a very good artist.
These cakes look like a real turd but they are perfectly edible. I can’t imagine why, but some people use them for weddings, birthdays, and other occasions where a cake is appropriate. To each their own I guess. P.S. If you are eating or have a big imagination, it’s better for you not to see this post.
These are some of Lady Gaga’s most outlandish outfits. Between her singing ability and the way she dresses, she has made quite a name for herself. But you have to ask yourself if her singing ability alone would have gotten her noticed.
It's not a secret that the North Pole is shrinking. Here are the comparative photos from 2000 and the end of 2010. Sometimes we don't realize that the North Pole and all its inhabitants run a big danger but looking into these pictures, may bring us to reality more quickly. It's also kinda scary what may wait on us in the near future…
January 2000
Women are so different from men. A simple question can knock them off balance, so don’t be surprised if their answer to your question will shock or upset you. You have no idea what’s going on in their minds, but this comics will help you to understand female logic.
These are some of the highest earning entertainers of all time. It is truly amazing at how much money they really do make. A year of their earnings would be like winning the lottery for most of us. But you can’t blame them, we pay them.
20. Judge Judy Sheindlin, $45 million
M. Lavinashree was just certified as a Red Hat Certified Engineer, she is the youngest person to obtain the certification from Red Hat. She obtained an impressive score of 178.1 out of 200 on her test.
This stemapunk pen resembles the Swiss knife with different multiple functions, only initially it is a pen, it also has a flashlight and a flash drive as well as many other things that could be useful. It looks really neat.
These are some movie posters of blaxploitation films. These kinds of movies were popular in the US in the early 1970s. They were made to attract an urban black audience. The word blaxploitation is a combination of the words black and exploitation. They were the first movies to star mainly black actors and to feature soundtracks. Some say they gave black actors work, others claimed they exploited them.
These are things that absolutely no need whatsoever for a sweater, yet they are wearing one. They are inanimate objects that have no need for a sweater even if it were chilly. Too bad they can’t appreciate all the trouble someone went to knit them.
This is a very funny post about a goldfish in a fishbowl and a curious cat. The cat wants the goldfish (either to eat or to play with) so bad he can taste it but he can’t quite figure out how to get it. Let’s see if the cat succeeds or not.
This post will teach you everything you ever wanted to know about how to grow Chinese mushrooms. There are a lot of them in this factory. Apparently they are grown, packed and shipped right from this factory.
While death is a sensitive topic for discussion among many social strata, three Italian students Andrea Pilia, Adriano Leo and Dario Cataldi are not afraid to speak out on this topic. They invented and created an interesting series of photos “Muori” (You die). The trio was studying in Strasbourg, where they merged into a creative studio "Baguettes of Evil" ("Les Baguettes Du Mal"). This series is about the sudden death in public places.
These amazing paintings are created by artist Denis Petersonis. They are so lifelike it is difficult to tell that they aren’t photos. The only clue that there is some tiny brush marks on some of the reflections. See if you can find them.
These are some incredibly beautiful photos of Mother Nature at her finest. She has a glory and splendor like nothing else. I don’t know who the photographer is but to his credit he got some amazing photos of Mother Nature doing her best.
By now we have learned how to give an unusual Christmas Gift and create A Chamber of Secrets. It’s time to find out how to confuse and amaze your son with an ordinary present.