Canadian fishermen found a mysterious beast on a shore. The creature is still unrecognized.
Despite its economic adversity, there are such comfortable prisons in the Ukraine. This one is situated near the city of Kharkiv. It is called VIP ‘cause it resembles more a SPA than a prison. Even Ukrainian students don’t have such living conditions in dormitories.
Many prisoners after purging their sentence commit crimes again just to return to this place. Because even in their own home they don’t have such a level of comfort and cannot afford the food they have in this prison.
However, it is not like a 5 star Justizzentrum Leoben prison, Norwegian or some of German prisons, but I still think it is too good for prisoners…
"Le Million" Piece Unique is the most expensive cell phone in the world. It has been created by GoldVish Luxury Communications, a Swiss corporation. This phone is listed in Guinness World Records as the world’s most expensive cell phone, it is worth 1 million Euros. You might have guessed that this phone is diamond-encrusted.
First class of the new Airbus A380 delivered to Lufthansa (the flag carrier in Germany) is astonishing. Its bathrooms are bigger than mine ;) The whole plane is a real dream including business and economic classes! It will be deployed on routes to Johannesburg, Tokyo and Beijing. You can view the first photos of this Lufthansa’s new flagship after the jump.
Cartoon characters grow up too and here you can see some of them during their college life, others being grownups already. It’s not easy being adult even for cartoons :)
Josh Cooley’s book “Movies R Fun” is a bit inappropriate, but it’s unique in its own way.
Located in Xiamen (Nanshan Road), China, this public toilet looks very deluxe. It’s a two-story building where the second floor is used by administration of the toilet.
The main theme of the June issue of National Geographic is about Greenland - the largest island of the earth covered with ice.
One of the articles of the magazine is devoted to the melting of the glaciers of the island. Photographer James Balog organized a survey of ice in Greenland and other large glaciers of the planet (EIS - Extreme Ice Survey) in 2006.
James and his colleagues established 35 special cameras that are powered by sunlight, protected of moisture, have a wind shield and make shots on a periodic basis. In one year, a single camera makes from 4000 to 12000 shots. Thus, it makes the cameras some sort of artificial eyes, which allows monitoring the evolution of the ice.
The addresses in this post run the gambit from the ridicules to the funny. They make you wonder who in the world sits around and thinks them up. Some are outrageous, some are naughty, but they all are humorous.
Some people have snakes as their pets, and they aren’t afraid to play with them and express tender love towards their reptiles.
I say, they are all crazy ;))
This set of hilarious statements and cool jokes made by typography is worth seeing.
You’ll be surprise to discover items that are sold by Wal-Marts in China only.
Sewing together similar things or taking pictures of related people brings up great “patchwork” photos just like the ones you will find inside this post.
You better set your Facebook privacy settings, or your status might be discovered by strangers who use OpenBook to search for status updates. . For now, take a look at those “lucky” Facebook members who have already become the victims of OpenBook searchers.
So for all of you FB users: don’t overshare to much ;)
This unusual action was held in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. And the Golden Award goes to…
While all these mechanical amusements seem to work, they don’t give much of a safety feeling and look quite dangerous, especially those little roller coasters. I would think twice before taking a ride there. Two words: poor children.
Everyone knows Steve Jobs, the Apple ‘guru’ ;)
But what about some personal facts about him?
This infographic picture will tell you some of the most interesting biographical details about Steve Jobs.
These hilarious pictures “The Secret Life of Star Wars Toys” have been taken by artist “Marker” from Argentina. It’s simply incredible!