According to The Hollywood Reporter, Suicide Squad’s Jared Leto felt very "alienated and upset" over the film, and was perturbed that Warner Brothers opted for a completely new Joker film as opposed to re-casting him. And Internet didn’t need to be asked twice to tell him what they think about his performance as Joker
Her brother got sick of people trying to knock down the price of his listing and so he asked her to help him out. Being a mechanic and a supercar instructor, she was ready to take the challenge.
Imgur user Allypent always creates DIY decorations that seem to be the best in the neighborhood. And she doesn’t spend tons of money to craft any of them.
Pinterest’s Pinfrights report revealed the most searched costumes of 2019 so far, and now we know what is mainstream and what to do if you want to be original.
When it comes to coffee, Brian Leonard, better known as Barista Brian, can do anything he wants with it. He is so talented in creating celebrity portraits that even celebs recognize him as a genius.