Beyoncé lip-synched the national anthem during President Obama's inauguration. That's bad, but these things are worse…
Can you guess what this is?
Yu Youzhen is just like any other sanitation worker working for the Wuchang District Chenggan Bureau cleaning team. However, she is also a millionaire…
Artist Nathan Ripperger, has created these humorous pictures illustrating things he has said to his own children.
These pictures of a house for sale tell two very different stories of what is on offer.
It looks normal from the outside...
These great aerial photographs were taken by a helicopter pilot who controls gas pipeling in the United States.
One Chinese began saving small denominations of money each day in order to raise funds to build a house. When the money ($26 000 (162 000 yuan)) was eventually taken to the bank, it took bankers 3 days to sort and count only $1800 (11 500 yuan).
What would you do if you were him?
Since 1972, Landsat satellites have collected images of the Earth’s land surface. These amazing pictures now reveal a visual story of how the land has changed over time as a result of natural and human interference. Each image spans a ground track of 115 miles (185 km’s) wide and the same area is recorded every 16 to 18 days.
These tables are identical in size. See below for proof.