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VIDEO 18 Apr 2012
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VIDEO 15 Mar 2012
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VIDEO 26 Jan 2012
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VIDEO 20 Jan 2012
You might be familiar with these positions if your child is about 1 year old.
Posted in
ANIMALS 16 Dec 2011
A seal pup most likely became disoriented to end up in the most unexpected location.
Posted in
VIDEO 25 Nov 2011
Most hilarious hungry baby I’ve ever seen
Posted in
10 Nov 2011
While he’s only six months old, Arthur Hammond is already making a name for himself by posing in iconic movie scenes thanks to his mother Emily Cleaver. His blog is receiving 50,000 hits per month because of such movie recreations as American Beauty, The Shawshank Redemption, Rambo and The Blair Witch Project. His fame is now to the point where he is taking requests, something that he will surely appreciate once he can walk and talk.
Rambo: First Blood
Photos of a cute baby hippopotamus and his mother. This baby was born at Berlin’s Zoo.
Posted in
1 Nov 2011
World population has reached 7 billion. But who is the seventh billion baby?
Posted in
ANIMALS 22 Oct 2011
Found in the belly of its bull shark mother, this astounding real life albino baby shark appears to have one eye!
Posted in
ANIMALS 22 Oct 2011
These little cuties will melt your heart. Of all the baby meerkat pictures on the Internet, and there are a lot of them, these 20 are probably the cutest.
Posted in
ANIMALS 17 Oct 2011
These are the sweetest and cutest photos of animals and their babies.
A hungry seven-month-old baby named Mahiga Gedi Farah who weighs only 7 pounds (3.4 kg) is in the hands of the mother in the hospital of the International Rescue Committee in the town of Dadaab, Kenya on July 26.
Mihag is just one of 800,000 children who officials warn could die across the region in the worst drought for decades.
Imagine getting a birth announcement without the sex of the baby would you be surprised and call to find out the sex of the child?
This little spider monkey named Little Estella has fluffy hair and big doe eyes. Her and her mother failed to bond at birth and so she was abandoned. To ensure her survival, the primate keepers at the Melbourne Zoo stepped in and take care of her around the clock. Just look how cute she is.
The baby tastes it for first time and the reaction is priceless.
Even though we can't always can't get what we want like leaving the house, pictures can give us an escape route during snow lockdown.
Tough Guys Love Mud
At least this one does as he emerges from his turn at the tough man competition.
These are the most adorable baby pictures ever taken. It’s funny how the picture of a beautiful baby will always put a person in a good mood regardless of how they felt beforehand. The reason must be because babies are so cute and lovable.
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Beautiful Babies (11 pics)
A hurt heart and hot head will make your life miserable. That is exactly what happened to this heart broken guy in PA.
This 10-day-old dolphin was injured by a fishing net and discovered near the Montevideo beach (Uruguay). There was no sign of the dolphin’s mother, so the mammal was lowered into a swimming pool at the NGO Rescate Fauna Marina centre. Local “resident”, the Magellan penguin, quickly became friends with a baby dolphin.
Posted in
ANIMALS 23 Sep 2010
These are the photographs that reveal how baby elephants learn tricks for circus performances. Go inside this post to learn more.
This mother cat has adopted this baby squirrel. The squirrel had fallen out of a tree and the woman of the house tried to feed it with an eyedropper. When that didn’t work, she remembered that she had a cat who was nursing some kittens. She placed the squirrel with the mother cat and the cat began nursing the baby squirrel. Mother cat and squirrel have been doing fine every since.
The Chinese baby in these photos is named Lei Lei and weighs an amazing 44 lbs (20kg). Although he had a normal weight at birth, his growth is attributed to his extremely healthy appetite. Now we know where the Japanese Sumo wrestlers come from: They immigrate from China.
Another obese kid:
Supersized Kid (4 pics)