This cat was abandoned by her owner, who suffered from Alzheimer, and survived for years, which seems unreal in this state. The cat had extra fur all over itself, but was saved thanks to big-hearted people.
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VIDEO 6 Dec 2016
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VIDEO 6 Dec 2016
The kitty only leaves the grave when she goes to her owner’s children’s house where they feed her.
Monkey the cat has teeth that make him look like a little vampire. His owners found him after almost hitting him with their car. After they stopped and got out of the car they discovered an unhealthy, malnourished black kitty with cute vampire teeth. They took him home and today Monkey is a happy cat living with his loving family in New York and lacks nothing.
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FUNNY 3 Nov 2016
Posted in
FUNNY 28 Oct 2016
Artist catsu from Tallinn, Estonia draws these funny comic strips about the life with a cat. I think a lot of cat owners will relate.
Posted in
20 Sep 2016
If you’re a cat lover and you’re planning on going to Hawaii, you can pay a visit to these lovely kitties in the Lanai Cat Sanctuary.
Yasmine Surovec is the author of these comics who have always had cats. Today she has three cats and a dog and is currently living with her husband in Phoenix, USA.
The owner of this cat found a note attached to her collar after she came back from one of her numerous strolls around the neighborhood. Apparently, she had a secret life her owner had no clue about.
Keys is the cat that likes to put her paws in the air for no reason whatsoever. After her owner Peter Mares noticed her doing it, he quickly snapped a photo. After that she just kept doing it all the time. Well, it sure looks fun.
Kasey Boggs and her husband have been rescuing animals for 10 years now. Here’s what their family looks like now after they rescued 7 animals: four dogs, two ducklings and a cat. They all get along very well together, go on different adventures every weekend and take cute pictures. Kasey said they are inseparable and when she tries to take a picture of one or two of them and the others see it, they all come together.
Whereas the idea of going camping with a dog will hardly surprise anyone, cats might be a different story. Or not anymore? Ryan Carter, the creator of the “campingwithdogs” account on Instagram, has recently created the “campingwithcats” account, which is now inspiring cat lovers all over the world to go camping with their cats and share their experiences on Instagram. This has already produced more than 7000 posts with the #campingwithcats hashtag! And that’s what is what actually looks like when cats go camping.