WARNING: Spoilers ahead for "Game of Thrones" season six.
Despite all the problems that America has, it is still the most amazing and dominant country in the world. These charts will prove it.
Posted in
29 Jun 2016
Scientists at the Planetary Habitability Laboratory ranked the top nine exoplanets that might support human life. They're ranked by their ESI (Earth Similarity Index) where 0.0 being a gas giant, 0.7 being a Mars and 1.0 is a near-copy of our home planet.
Posted in
2 Jun 2016
Usually everyone says that you should first read the book before watching a movie based on it if you don't want to be disappointed. Well, if you watched these movies but didn't read the books first, don't worry, you don't have to as they are better than the books.
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VIDEO 31 May 2016