This very interesting project was done by photographer Peter Menzel.
You’ll see the prices and the quantity of different goods and products in different countries.
Japan: $317.25

Italy: $260.11

Chad: $1.23

Kuwait: $221.45

USA: $341.98

Mexico: $189.09

China: $155.06

Egypt: $68.53

Ecuador: $31.55

USA: $159.18

Mongolia: $40.02

Great Britain: $253.15

Bhutan: $5.03

Germany: $500.07

Australia: $ 376.45 per week Family Recipe: Marge Brown's Quandong (an Australian peach) Pie, Yogurt

India: $39.27 Family Recipe: Sangeeta Patkar's Poha (Rice Flakes)

USA: $242.48 Favorite Foods: Shrimp with Alfredo sauce, chicken mole, barbecue ribs, pizz

Mali: $ 26.39 Family Recipe: Natomo Family Rice Dish

France: $419.95 Favorite Foods: Delphine Le Moine's Apricot Tarts, pasta carbonara, Thai food

Greenland: $ 277.12 Favorite Foods: polar bear, narwhal skin, seal stew

Turkey: $ 145.88 Favorite Foods: Melahat's Puffed Pastries

The Philippines: $49.42

China: $57.27

Bosnia and Herzegovina: $ 167.43

Guatemala: $ 75.70

on urban places we are more like Egypt or Mexico with out the coke, natural food buyed from the market (not supermarket, procesed and imported plastic food) keeping the cheap prices
Have you both noticed all the Coca-Cola which they drink? Its so much!
Twelve bottles!!!
it's a shame holland isnt in this list if i could chose i would pick italy.
Woot check greenland theres a piguin on the table ! favourit ffoot polar bear, they are nuts!
Bravo for all those vegetables, but don't drink so much Coca-Cola! No es bueno! No good!
To the Mongolian family:
Where are your fruits and vegetables??
To the Guatamalan family:
I liked your diet the best! All those grains and vegetables!
I think I"ll follow your diet a week or two...I need a good detox!
Interesting to see how much bottled water is in the pics from Mexico, Turkey (even more than Mexico--look at the two big bottles at the bottom of the pic), both Australia pics, Guatemala, and Kuwait, plus one of the U.S. pics. They're all of the kinds of bottles that indicate they both cook and drink with it. The Italy, Germany, and France pics all have bottled water that's more about it being a fashion for drinking only.
Also interesting how much milk is shown in the Great Britain and Germany pics, and then not surprising the U.S. and Australia are not far behind (plus lots of packaged cereals). It's much harder to spot in the other countries' pics (but then the presence of packaged cereals often gives away that it's there somewhere).
Besides the Coca-Cola the Mexico pic has a bunch of beer hidden next to the cola bottles and SO MANY boxes/bags of granular sugar in it--seven! I can't identify more than just one container of sugar in any of the other pics. Those Brits sure love their packaged sweets, though, don't they?
That's not a penguin in the Greenland photo, it's some other kind of bird.
Note the Jollibees cups and bag in the Philippines photo. I believe that's the Philippines equivalent to McDonalds.
To the person who said everywhere but the U.S. looks dirty: Kuwait looks cleanest. :)
Also, don't miss that disco ball at the top of the last Australian pic! Whoo hoo, disco lives!