Nightmare Bosses You’d Dread Working With (50 PICS)

Posted in INTERESTING       15 May 2024       2152       3 GALLERY VIEW
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"I Legitimately Thought I Was Dying Last Night, And After I Called My Shift Lead About It This Morning, My Boss Texted Me This"

"This is hypocritical because her daughter works with me and calls out all the time over being hungover. But no, me bleeding myself damn near unconscious last night doesn't warrant me taking a day off."


"I Was Told to Serve Ice Cream At A Nursing Home While Throwing Up. Where And How Can I Report This?"

Izismile Videos

"Boss Tried To Make Me Pay For My Mistake, Which Is Illegal In New York. When I Expressed I Wouldn't Pay For A One-Time Mistake, He Doubled Down And Said This"

"To be fair, it was a to-go order that I just blanked on and forgot to make sure it was paid before I handed it out. Regardless, it's illegal to try and make me pay for it in my state. I tried to give him the opportunity to correct his reaction, and he doubled down. He even said that breaking the law is a common practice."


"I Woke Up On My Day Off To A Voicemail Asking Why I Wasn't At Work. Apparently Someone Changed My Schedule Without My Knowledge, And That's My Fault?"

"My Boss Admitted To Taking Money From My Tips To Cover The Bill That Was Short And That Everyone Has Access To, It Is Not Assigned To Anyone"

"The Most Satisfying Text I've Ever Sent. Long Story Short, The Guy Who Made The Schedule Was My Roommate, And We Fell Out, So He Cut My Hours Drastically"

"At the time, I had secured another job and had training scheduled. I got the few shifts I had covered and was ready to go. Just days before I’m supposed to leave for training, the schedule is changed, and all of a sudden I’m at 30 hours and can’t get anyone to cover my shifts at the last minute. This was the response I got."



"Boss Wrote "Thief" On My Check"

"I filed a wage theft report against my former employer and was told he only paid 80% of what was owed, but I sucked it up. When I picked up the check at the Department of Labor, it had "THIEF" boldly written on the subject line. It was super awkward, unfair, and embarrassing, especially with others witnessing it. Is there anything that can be done?"


"My Boss Sent Me This Text After I Asked To Be Paid"

"I work in a very small bakery, getting paid under the table. My boss, the owner of the bakery, and I work together a lot of the time, and we’ve opened up to each other about lots of things. I trusted her when I confided in her about my family’s financial situation. I was not looking for pity, and I did not expect her to use it against me. It’s been 2 days since she was supposed to have paid me, and if she’s late, I usually ask if she’s done or is planning on doing payroll. I have no idea what to do or say. I get paid below the minimum wage, which certainly isn’t enough to deal with all of this."


"I Had A Stroke At Work, And Me Almost Dying Inconvenienced My Boss"

"Enjoy the text between me and my (ex) coworker. I was in the hospital for 7 days while they figured out why it happened since I was "younger". I’m wondering if I stroked out because I worked for such a heartless woman."



"The Last Text I Sent My Boss"

"Boss Brought In Drumsticks For Employee Appreciation Day"

"This Is An Email I Got From My Boss. I Work In A Lab Doing (Mostly) Data Entry And Preparing Specimens To Be Tested. I Fought To Sit Where I Do. I Need A Quieter Area To Focus Better"

"If I were to move workstations, my productivity would suffer for a couple reasons: distractions from coworkers, etc. And I’m already overstimulated from having a 6-month-old baby I’m with all day.

I feel like she is just trying to micromanage and feel like she’s in control more. But I do see where it may be beneficial that I do move, but it would make me hate going to work even more. I’d love to quit and probably could, but I do like my job and my coworkers; I just don’t want to sit near them."


"My Dad Had A Stroke. He's Not Doing Too Well, So My Significant Other And I Are Moving. I Had To Give A 1-Week Notice And Got This Text From The Boss"


"My Boss Threw Everything Out, Or As He Says "Cleaned My Desk". I Had To Go Digging In The Trash To Get My Personal Items, Along With Client Files, Receipt Records And Other Things"

"My Mental Health Job Doesn’t Have A Bereavement Leave Policy In Place"

"For context, my company is pretty small, and my boss and her boss are both aware that this was the death of my mother. I work in mental health, specifically crisis aversion, and my company talks a lot about self-care and taking care of your mental health. It's just so absurd that it’s funny."


"Just Because Of The Corset"

"I'm a waitress at a restaurant in a country club. We had a change of management, and I got into a heated argument with my supervisor when he went off at me for loosening my corset while I was on my break. I just got sent this and found that my hours have been cut in half. Is there anything I can do?"


"Boss: Will You Work 17 Hours So I Don’t Have To Work 12?"


"My Girlfriend Has Asked For Reduced Hours At Her Work For 2 Weeks, And They’ve Been Ignoring Her. Today She Asked To Come In Late, And This Is What The Manager Replied"

"This Banana My Boss Gave Me To Celebrate 1 Year Of Work"

"The Picture Was Taken Last Night In The Kitchen Of The Restaurant I Work At. The Temperature Inside Was 86 Degrees. This Has Been Going On For Weeks"

"The hood vents have not been working properly, and it’s been dreadfully hot. The cooks are constantly sweating and miserable, one even filed a complaint with OSHA because they were tired of working in that condition. They were confronted by the owner. Servers and bartenders were raising concerns in the work group chat last night about their asthma and how customers in the front of the house can smell the smoke. Rather than assuring and being helpful to employees, the manager shut down the conversation and stated that if anyone had an issue, they could speak to them and the owner privately. They stated that they were probably affected by the storm yesterday (this has been happening for weeks) and should be fixed today. I’m pretty sure they’re under the pressure of OSHA’s grace period."


"I Rage Quit My Job At The Gas Station Right Before My Shift, Without Another Job Lined Up. Here’s To Going From Poverty To Destitution, I Guess"

"The manager came in on my scheduled shift to relieve her. Joyce has a history of running off staff, stepping on the toes of management, obtaining coworkers' phone numbers by digging for them in the manager's office, and calling or messaging them when she feels that they are not performing up to her standards. This is on top of being downright mean for no reason, running off customers, etc. Over the past few weeks, her hours have been cut by more than half because everyone is tired of her. The only reason she is still employed there is because she rarely calls in. In her text, she said she thought I was the "nice one." That’s because I was the only one who put up with her and let her run over me. I was always courteous, kind, and professional."



"My Boss Called Me 12 Times After Hours About Unimportant Information"


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Serilla 5 month s ago
In all fairness, when are we going to see "Nightmare Employee's You Regret Hiring" for a change? wassat
Cleatus 5 month s ago
Lost your job? Don't worry, I'm sure an illegal gimmegrant will be along at any moment to fill the position.
Leon 5 month s ago
#48 lmao. is this the burger king that went viral?? the employees and managers were treated like crap in very bad environment, like no a/c in summer, no breaks, no overtime pay.. and they put up a sign outside saying We All Quit. the district manager lost her shit. hired new people and now today that building sits empty and boarded up. Keep up the good fight employees!!!





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