Posted in
ANIMALS 10 Sep 2010
Shirva locals had an unusual adventure this month. Everything started with the Sapaliga family searching for their pet dog. They found it in the open well. The dog was chased by a hungry leopard who went hunting near Shirva. Both animals accidentally fell into the well, but were rescued by locals and forest personnel who used cages to catch exhausted “adventurers”. The dog has been returned to its master. As for the leopard, it was transported to the National Reserve Forest at Kudremukh.
One family that lives in Colorado Springs found their water barrel empty every morning.
They tried to discover what was happening at night. So, they installed a camera.
You’ll see the result in pictures after the jump.
Love is an amazing feeling. And humans are not the only ones who can experience it. Take a look at this kitten and sweet love of its life.
This struggle between a toad and a snake went on for an hour. The snake was doing its best to try and swallow the toad, but the victim took efforts to escape. Find out who is the winner in this fight after the jump.
Photographer Justin Minns has saved a squirrel when it fell down the tree and broke its leg. He took care of the animal, and now the squirrel lives in his house together with his cat. The saved pet freely walks around the house and steals snacks.
Time to leave. This is the name of this collection of amazing photos. I would call it “Pigeon Clock”. What about you?
Take a closer look at this bridge. Who do you see there? A hint: these are very unusual bridge passersby.
This mother cat has adopted this baby squirrel. The squirrel had fallen out of a tree and the woman of the house tried to feed it with an eyedropper. When that didn’t work, she remembered that she had a cat who was nursing some kittens. She placed the squirrel with the mother cat and the cat began nursing the baby squirrel. Mother cat and squirrel have been doing fine every since.
Posted in
ANIMALS 31 Aug 2010
Robert Kiraly heard a loud noise in his courtyard at night. When he got outside, he found a 200 pound black bear with his head stuck in a milk barrel. It turned out the bear decided to find something to eat and squeezed his head in a milk can that was on the porch. When he felt that his head got stuck, he started yelling wildly trying to escape.
Posted in
ANIMALS 27 Aug 2010
These dogs are of every breed and gender. They have only have one thing in common and that is that they are extremely large. Some of them are posed with people or normal sized dogs so that you can see just how big these dogs are and they are huge.
Posted in
ANIMALS 26 Aug 2010
Who would have thought that cats and a squirrel could play together so peacefully? Well, as the adorable photos in the post prove they absolutely will. The friendly cats even allow the squirrel to share their food.
Posted in
ANIMALS 25 Aug 2010
This post is full of jungle beasts in their natural habitat. Although they are beautiful in their own way, they are also ferocious. The law of the jungle is truly the survival of the fittest and only the strong survive.
Posted in
ANIMALS 24 Aug 2010
Some funny faces of cats that have a resemblance with Hitler.
Poor cats ;)
Posted in
ANIMALS 23 Aug 2010
These crabs don't give a darn about their "healthy food" image. They enjoy smoking.
Posted in
ANIMALS 20 Aug 2010
Enjoy the pictures from the 15th Cat Fashion Show in New York. The show, taking place in Algonguin Hotel, also celebrated the host cat Matilda's birthday. The participants looked posh and glamorous.
Posted in
ANIMALS 19 Aug 2010
Some animals endanger their lives and health just because of being too curious. That's when only people come to help.
Posted in
ANIMALS 18 Aug 2010
They just have a thing for it.
Posted in
ANIMALS 16 Aug 2010
This frog jumped into a fisherman’s net with fish and swallowed his catch.
Never saw this.
Posted in
ANIMALS 13 Aug 2010
In a Californian zoo a mother tiger couldn't get over her triplet tiger cubs' death. The depression endangered her health, so the veterinarians came up with a decision! They found orphan weaner piglets and wrapped them in tiger skin. Sometimes animals take care of other species, but is this the case? See whether the piglets have become a dinner or a family...
Posted in
ANIMALS 13 Aug 2010
This is just an ordinary kitten ...or? Don't jump to conclusions. Check out how this little thing can surprise you!
Posted in
ANIMALS 12 Aug 2010
These cats are performing every imaginable contortion. Pretty ones, ugly ones, skinny ones, fat ones, rowdy ones, and docile ones, there are cats everywhere.
Fireflies are strange little insects using bioluminescence to attract mates or preys, they are indeed capable of producing a ‘cold light’ generally green or yellow.
It’s truly fascinating and beautiful.
- Hey, you! Stop pecking on my home’s walls. It’s 6 a.m. on Sunday Morning!
- So what? I repair my house. I wonder when I would finish my job if I continue talking to you.
- Stupid woodpecker...
The Brooks River in Katmai National Park, Alaska is a popular place for brown bears to fish for river salmon. They use various strategies to grab the fish including jumping over the falls, wading in the water and stealing salmon form each other. The whole scene is very spectacular. It attracts tourists from all over the world.
This is probably the angriest cat I have ever seen. He knows how to look scary and unfriendly.
I received these pictures from my good friend Ricardo Menezes, who had an quite adventure last night with his dog, named "Bill".
He told me that the puppy wanted to solve the problem of oil leaks ;)